the best antivurs poll the winner?!?!

i saw the poll - the best antivirus

the the winner was NORTON

but is it so good??!?

i have never tied it


Staff member
hmmz, this is a thing of personal taste as well ..
It works well here, on other computers it doesn´t work at all :D

But overall I would say: Norton is easy to use, and causes less troubles ...


I think he did ;)

But his point is valid...that is Norton AV is a bloated program that just tries to do too much. There are better AV's that are far more lite on your system.
at the risk of being branded an idiot ... :D

... NAV Corp seems to have the best compromise in terms of system protection, resource requirement, and ease of updates.

who'll be the one to cast the first stone? lol
Kuratong, I agree with you, I think Corp editions of NAV is very good, it dont take so much resources as the standard or pro versions, and is stable. I have not seen it tested though.

Peronally I prefer F-Prot. Have used it for a year now, its very light on the system, and has picked every virus I have got thru mail or whatever.
got NAV and its a question of taste bro, to me the benefits of having a good AV far out weight the slight disadvantage of slowing your sysytem a lil

@poko how huge is your system bro
so is norton really that bad?, it has caught everything i have encountered with a minimum amount of fuss.
it also updates every couple of days so i know its keeping up to date with the viruses out there.
so is there another AV out there that will lock me down as tight as noron but use less resorceses.
i don't like f-prot update module

it download the all patter

i have a laptop , and i need a fast update module
I didn't like Norton 2002. I had been using McaFee 6.0 Professional. Norton 2002 had problems with it scanning my email.
McaFee I like but what confused me, I was getting viruses in Downloads when program was set to scan downloads. Also, I noticed sometimes the program would be disabled when I did not diable it in system tray. Their firwall would do same thing when booting up sometimes it would not load. For about 2 months I have been using Norton 2003, this one has no problems with email and has nice little popup showing scanning email. I also like their firwall, it is very simple and basic. This firwall always load when its suppose to. I wonder if people who didn't like Norton have tried their latest versioon. I think I should buy another computer just for testing
Norton 2003 here, never had problem, have 120gb drive and took 20min to scan my drive. I personally leave auto protect on when I connect to the internet. Like I said before lack of knowledge is the reason most people get infected ....
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