The ankle biter

Hey all.
I spent the day yesterday fighting with the Ewe Ess government. I had 'em good. Bit into that Uncle Sam ankle and shook my head for all it was worth. I growled and grabbed on tight when they tried to shake me off. I ended up in the corner in a heap, howling like a little kid, but what the hell. It was entertaining for the afternoon! ;)
banzibaby said:
:confused: Ehhh good for U Janie lol, hope U gave em hell :p:D:p

BaNzI :D
I gave em hell and then they pulled out the devil and sicked em on me. Oh well. You gotta keep trying. ;)
How ya doin' skinny guy?


New member
I've never been jealous of the US govt b4, but if ur as foxy as ur picture then u can bite my ankles any time!