Testing audio cdrs

I have tried a number of different burning programs and still get the occassional "pop" .What is the best/quickest way to test audio cdrs to make sure you made a nice copy?
Unless you got f....d cds>>>scratced<<,your problem is dae.Go here h**p://www.ping.be/satcp/ read manual for eac and download it from h**p://www.exactaudiocopy.de/ ............If your cds are scratced you have to edit them.


Yep I agree. EAC is the only way to go on getting perfect DAE.
BTW, there is a new EAC version update posted today.

Learn the tutorial at SatCP and you will find that it has a built
in ability to compare wave files to ensure good extraction.
After all the comments about EAC I tried it(2 versions but not the update released a couple of days ago) but it doesn't appear to support my burner.Everything goes fine extracting etc until the burning.As soon as it starts burning it spits out the disc and says errors.After reading the EAC faqs I'm guessing my burner(Acer 12x8x32) isn't supported.I disabled my virus protection and the auto insert notification-what other programs could present a problem with "pops"?


Since your problems seem to in the Writing feature of EAC, I suggest you not use it. Not all burners are fully supported in EAC.

I suggest you extract in EAC and create a Cue Sheet then burn with CDRWin. Check out this URL for help: h**p://pages.cthome.net/homepage/eac/clone.htm

Although Acer's are not top of the line burners, thay are usually not that bad. Listen to the wave file in your wave editor of choice (windows media works if you have nothing else). Listen with headphones. Any pops? If yes, than your Acer is not good with Digital Audio Extraction. Plextor, Yamaha, and latest Lite-On are popular and do excellent DAE.

Also, try more than one music CD. If you then still have problems, try a different CDR media to burn to.

Also give the Yahoo EAC list a try. In fact, its good to sign up with the list for help. Give a search for help with your burner or post
your problems.

By the way, which version of EAC are you using? EAC V0.9 beta 2
was just released (31/01/02). One thing good about this version
is that it has a new configuration wizard to help you set EAC up.

Give these suggestions a try and post your findings. :cool: