Teac Cd-w540e

Does anyone have the new TEAC 40x CD-Rw Drive? Any experiences? Comparing to the 40x Plex, which is better? Note that both have a 2 year warranty and I will only use them as burners!:confused:
I think that the Lite-On is a bit buggy and cannot handle the mass production of CDs that both Plex and TEAC can... I had a 2 week 24x RICOH and send it back for repair... I hope the store to replace it with another Yamaha or Plex, but not a Ricoh one. I also bought the TEAC one, while I wait for my RICOH to be replaced...
The Drive ROCKS!!!

Finally I got the TEAC, and the drive really rocks!!! It's amazing speed and reliability is astonishing!!! Since now, I burned almost 20 discs one after another without problems!!! The writer is stable and fast, producing quality recordings... I would rate it with 10/10!!!

PS: I just updated it to firm v1.0c, but I cannot find anywhere the older firmware v1.0b... Please if someone has a link for the older firmwares (1.0b/1.0a), send me a reply...;)

Just for locking/unlocking reasons if available... Plextor locked some of their drives with newest firmware releases... And it stranges me that I cannot find the older firmware around...
hmmmmm.... What do you think?
The Plextor that lost it's abilities to SD2 backing up was the PX-W1210TA. The TLA#0000 version was hardware unlocked and the only way to lock it was by firmware. With the factory v1.01 firmware the Plexy rocked with any protection. But it came the time that Plextor decided to lock it with future firmware releases... For those guys who tryed to downgrade, Plextor modified the v1.0 and v1.01 firmaware and reuploaded it, making the downgraded firmware Plexys locked...

I believe that this is the fact you are talking about joripe, right?
Anyway, I upgraded the TEAC to v1.0C but I cannot see any difference except the buffer size that changed from 6,7MB to 8MB as they already anounced... But I think that the TEAC is now more stable at writing over 24x speed and especially in Audio. Perhaps the new firm improved the OPC function of the drive. But still I haven't tested it yet with copy protected CDs and Mt. Rainer feature to see any other difference.

Still the drive rocks and has burned about 80 CDs without problems (although it doesn't have a fan like Plexys)... I really love this drive and I now changed my mind a bit for the CDR dominance that Plextor had ;) The drive is a bargain for it's money (I got it for 140 Euros while Plextor costs about 220 Euros). Plus the guarantee for the TEAC is 2 years as well and the drive is quiet even when writing at 40x speed... GOOD!!!!
I have a TEAC CD-W 540, upgraded at 1.0C, and it works very fine. I tested it for protected CD copy, and I made working copies (Disciples 2: Dark Profecy is one of the newest games I copied), with CloneCD
I copied PSX CD's too, and even Winlock protected backup CD's, without any problem.
Thanx for the info pal. BTW the TEAC rules! It's the best writer I ever worked with... I'll get another as well if I have the money.

Which software are you using, and where can I get the Firmware 1.0c??? You may see my post "Please Help" on this board today too.
Welcome to the forum. Please read the forum rules and try not doubleposting or posting direct links (mark your links like h**p://w*w...).

Concerning the TEAC drive. You can find the latest firmware at h**p://w*w.teac.de or h**p://w*w.teac.com. Choose DSPD products from the main menu. You can find the latest firmware at the support option tab.

I use Nero 5582, CloneCD v4.016, Padus DiscJuggler v4.01.986, CDRWin 5.0 and EAC and Feurio v1.65 for Audio CD to Wav convertion. ;)
You can use for the TEAC CD-W540E also:
CDRWIN 3.9A, Fantom CD (any 1.2.x.x), CD Mate (any 2.2.x.x). I used CloneCD to copy original PSX CDs, Winlock protected PSX backups, and even a few newest protected PC game CDs.
CDRWIN 4.0A does not recognize the TEAC CD-W540 as a writer, only the newest 3.9A. CDRWIN 5.0, 5.01 does not work properly with the TEAC, only 5.02 do it, but is right: is crap.