TDK veloCD 52x cdrw

Nice sig

Blane, I like your signature.

Thanks for the info on the new TDK. I have a 48x and I'm am pleased with it. I do have a question, though. Will the write speed of new drives keep pushing the limit? I mean, a 52 speed will write an 80min cd in less than 2 mins, correct?

Maybe I have this wrong. Somebody please enlighten me.

Hey Wedge, Well a 8o min cd in less than 2 min hasn't been accomplished yet but I think this speed thing has to top off somewhere soon. theres only so much force a cd will be able to take at this kind of sped. But, theres already talk of new 56x writers coming out soon. Either the companies will have to stop with the speed and get more interested in write quality or their going to have to make thinner discs to keep up with the speed and even that may have it's own consequences.