Take the blue or the red pill?!

There are two brothers and some japanese guys who are asking me to choose either the animated red or blue pill (hope it makes sense this garbage, but I hope this way I don't violate the board rules).

There are lots of linked cells in this dvd, but I do not touch any of those... All what I strip is the nag screen from the menu item list (it appears as soon as you insert the disk), and the two promo cells that pop after that (they comprise the vts2 titleset, nothing else is in this vts, and these cells are not linked). I leave peacefully DS and IfoEdit make their tricks and I do get an "all successful" message after 9 minutes, or so.

Now I'm trying to play the stripped dvd from my HD with WinDVD 5. The menu and the movie seem to work fine, but when I reach the extras there is no audio stream in there. How come?! I even opened the stripped dvd in DVDShrink and this is confirmed, the audio streams vanished from the extras. I just don't understand what I did wrong...

Being curious, I analysed the original dvd with DVDShrink and the extras have an AC3 2ch english stream + 4 unspecified audio streams, 0MB each one. Could this be the reason? But, afaik DS does not touch the audio...

DS 0.2, IfoEdit 0.95, DVDDec, WinXP Pro SP1


Amerzone said:
.....but when I reach the extras there is no audio stream in there. How come?! I even opened the stripped dvd in DVDShrink and this is confirmed, the audio streams vanished from the extras. I just don't understand what I did wrong...
Nothing you have done is wrong...;)
No audio in the extras is a rare bug that has been ironed out in the latest private beta versions. If all goes according to plan it should be available to the public in the next few days. So keep the temp folder for now and wait
as Arianos states, I'm sure that people who had missing audio issues will now have them fixed with the latest version as tests have been positive

p.s. Amerzone, please try not to hint what DVD you have as some may guess what it is. If I do work it out then I will not offer support as you may as well be naming it :)
Thanx for the reply and the pm. Do you happen to know whether this bug has something to do with this specific dvd structure? I hope you have understood which dvd I refer too, and I cross my fingers I'm not going too far with this question now...

[Edit: This question was addressed to Arianos, but Mac answered meanwhile... I'm aware of the rules, but I wanted to give a hint about the dvd, due to its peculiar structure, pls see below...]

I'll probably keep the image (HD space is of no concern), but I right now re-author with DVDShrink, too. I noticed that the original has the whole movie in Title 1, and each movie chapter is also a separate title with two audio streams, of the movie itself and a commentary. Same happens with the extras, they are all in a title and each one also in individual titles. I'm no expert at all, but this is weird, at least to me...

With DVDShrink, I'll skip all these individual chapters and separate the titles of the movie and the extas with a promo out of the dvd. In fact, I'm trying it right now and this gives me an excellent compression of 83-87% for the whole thing. I'll have no menus, but I' ll gain in quality.

Btw, out of the topic, may I also ask what is the purpose of the "Keep" button? When I choose to remove a cell, the "Remove" button turns to "Restore", so from this you can select/unselect items. Do I have to go through all the items I want to keep and choose ...hmmm "Keep"? DS does not keep all items, but these I've asked it to strip, by default?!
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Amerzone said:
Btw, out of the topic, may I also ask what is the purpose of the "Keep" button? When I choose to remove a cell, the "Remove" buttons turns to "Restore", so from this you can select/unselect items. Do I have to go through all the items I want to keep and choose ...hmmm "Keep"? DS does not keep all items, but these I've asked it to strip, by default?!
everything is kept by default and you only have to select what you want to remove.

if you have the autoplay selected then you click KEEP or REMOVE for the 1st item, it will then move onto the 2nd item and start playing it automatically. Again you just click KEEP or REMOVE and so on and progress down the list KEEPING or REMOVING the items :)

using the title selector now gets rid of the previously longer task of selecting what to KEEP/REMOVE

I wouldn't worry too much about the bug now as it has been squashed and won't be back ;)
MackemX said:
as it has been squashed and won't be back ;)

As usually.....;)...I can't add indepth info,since I'm no dvd guru,just a dvd newbie,I make the occasional backups from the expensive stuff of my little daughter's movie collection but I've seen dvdsoftware that was much more expensive which offers lesser support than DS....I'm very interested to see the next version,keep up the good work,Mack and TMG!:D