XP was on the hard drive before i ever installed sys commander... i know when i reloaded XP it rewrote the boot record...however i reinstalled sys commander and when it searched for other o/s's it found mandrake...and thinking yes i suppose i could reload lilo so the boot record for mandrake gets rewritten....it appears that was what was missing and y mandrake wuddnt boot however it wuddnt even detect ME the ME partition is showing as an MSdos partition.......with the partition utlility open it shows a winME partition and when i try to make a partition bootable it shows a win4.1 partition as a primary partition but wont allow me to make it bootable....when i boot into XP i can access the drive with ME on it and evrything appears to be there, so it hasta be a simple boot record problem stopping things from working... i have 3 partitions on my first hard drive..
General System Information:
Total Physical Memory (bytes): 335,069,184
Used Physical Memory: (bytes): 178,368,512
Maximum Page File Size: (bytes): 811,380,736
Current Page File Size: (bytes): 134,250,496
Disk Geometry Information for Disk 1: 5170 Cylinders, 240 Heads, 63 Sectors/Track
System PartSect # Boot BCyl Head Sect FS ECyl Head Sect StartSect NumSects
0 0 80 0 1 1 07 1023 239 63 63 16,344,657
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
0 0 80 0 1 1 07 1080 239 63 63 16344657
0 1 00 1023 0 1 0F 1023 239 63 16,344,720 38,752,560
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
0 1 00 1081 0 1 0F 3643 239 63 16344720 38752560
0 2 00 1023 0 1 0C 1023 239 63 55,097,280 23,073,120
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
0 2 00 3644 0 1 0C 5169 239 63 55097280 23073120
16,344,720 0 00 1023 1 1 0B 1023 239 63 16,344,783 38,752,497
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
16344720 0 00 1081 1 1 0B 3643 239 63 16344783 38752497
Disk Geometry Information for Disk 2: 5169 Cylinders, 240 Heads, 63 Sectors/Track
System PartSect # Boot BCyl Head Sect FS ECyl Head Sect StartSect NumSects
0 0 00 0 1 1 0C 1022 239 63 63 65,409,057
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
0 0 00 0 1 1 0C 4325 239 63 63 65409057
0 1 00 1022 0 1 83 1022 239 63 65,409,120 10,326,960
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
0 1 00 4326 0 1 83 5008 239 63 65409120 10326960
0 2 00 1022 0 1 0F 1022 239 63 75,736,080 2,419,200
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
0 2 00 5009 0 1 0F 5168 239 63 75736080 2419200
SWAPSPACE2 75,736,080 0 00 1022 1 1 82 1022 239 63 75,736,143 2,419,137
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
75736080 0 00 5009 1 1 82 5168 239 63 75736143 2419137
Partition Information for Disk 1: 38,169.1 Megabytes
Volume PartType Status Size MB PartSect # StartSect TotalSects
C: NTFS Pri,Boot 7,980.8 0 0 63 16,344,657
ExtendedX Pri 18,922.1 0 1 16,344,720 38,752,560
EPBR Log 18,922.1 None -- 16,344,720 38,752,560
E: FAT32 Log 18,922.1 16,344,720 0 16,344,783 38,752,497
F: FAT32X Pri 11,266.2 0 2 55,097,280 23,073,120
Partition Information for Disk 2: 38,161.8 Megabytes
Volume PartType Status Size MB PartSect # StartSect TotalSects
D: FAT32X Pri 31,938.0 0 0 63 65,409,057
Linux Ext2 Pri 5,042.5 0 1 65,409,120 10,326,960
ExtendedX Pri 1,181.3 0 2 75,736,080 2,419,200
EPBR Log 1,181.3 None -- 75,736,080 2,419,200
*:SWAPSPACE2 Linux Swap Log 1,181.2 75,736,080 0 75,736,143 2,419,137
Boot Record for drive C: (Drive: 1, Starting sector: 63, Type: NTFS)
1. Jump: EB 52 90
2. OEM Name: NTFS
3. Bytes per Sector: 512
4. Sectors per Cluster: 8
5. Reserved Sectors: 0
6. Number of FATs: 0
7. Root Dir Entries: 0
8. Total Sectors: 0
9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8
10. Sectors per FAT: 0
11. Sectors per Track: 63 (0x3F)
12. Number of Heads: 240 (0xF0)
13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)
14. Total Sectors (>32MB): 0 (0x0)
15. Unused: 0x80008000
16. Total NTFS Sectors: 16344656
17. MFT Start Cluster: 786432
18. MFT Mirror Start Clust: 1021541
19. Clusters per FRS: 246
20. Clusters per Index Blk: 1
21. Serial Number: 0xE4287B8A287B5A8E
22. Checksum: 0 (0x0)
23. Boot Signature: 0xAA55
Boot Record for drive E: (Drive: 1, Starting sector: 16,344,783, Type: FAT32)
1. Jump: EB 58 90
3. Bytes per Sector: 512
4. Sectors per Cluster: 32
5. Reserved Sectors: 54
6. Number of FAT's: 2
7. Reserved: 0x0000
8. Reserved: 0x0000
9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8
10. Sectors per FAT: 0
11. Sectors per Track: 63 (0x3F)
12. Number of Heads: 240 (0xF0)
13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)
14. Big Total Sectors: 38752497 (0x24F50F1)
15. Big Sectors per FAT: 9457
16. Extended Flags: 0x0000
17. FS Version: 0
18. First Cluster of Root: 95833 (0x17659)
19. FS Info Sector: 1
20. Backup Boot Sector: 6
21. Reserved: 000000000000000000000000
22. Drive ID: 0x80
23. Reserved for NT: 0x00
24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29
25. Serial Number: 0x94A1478D
26. Volume Name:
27. File System Type: FAT32
28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55
Boot Record for drive F: (Drive: 1, Starting sector: 55,097,280, Type: FAT32)
1. Jump: EB 58 90
2. OEM Name: MSWIN4.1
3. Bytes per Sector: 512
4. Sectors per Cluster: 16
5. Reserved Sectors: 32
6. Number of FAT's: 2
7. Reserved: 0x0000
8. Reserved: 0x0000
9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8
10. Sectors per FAT: 0
11. Sectors per Track: 63 (0x3F)
12. Number of Heads: 240 (0xF0)
13. Hidden Sectors: 55097280 (0x348B7C0)
14. Big Total Sectors: 23073120 (0x1601160)
15. Big Sectors per FAT: 11257
16. Extended Flags: 0x0000
17. FS Version: 0
18. First Cluster of Root: 3 (0x3)
19. FS Info Sector: 1
20. Backup Boot Sector: 6
21. Reserved: 000000000000000000000000
22. Drive ID: 0x80
23. Reserved for NT: 0x00
24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29
25. Serial Number: 0xF532F7D8
26. Volume Name:
27. File System Type: FAT32
28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55
Boot Record for drive D: (Drive: 2, Starting sector: 63, Type: FAT32)
1. Jump: EB 58 90
2. OEM Name: MSWIN4.1
3. Bytes per Sector: 512
4. Sectors per Cluster: 32
5. Reserved Sectors: 52
6. Number of FAT's: 2
7. Reserved: 0x0000
8. Reserved: 0x0000
9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8
10. Sectors per FAT: 0
11. Sectors per Track: 63 (0x3F)
12. Number of Heads: 240 (0xF0)
13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)
14. Big Total Sectors: 65409057 (0x3E61021)
15. Big Sectors per FAT: 15962
16. Extended Flags: 0x0000
17. FS Version: 0
18. First Cluster of Root: 2 (0x2)
19. FS Info Sector: 1
20. Backup Boot Sector: 6
21. Reserved: 000000000000000000000000
22. Drive ID: 0x80
23. Reserved for NT: 0x00
24. Extended Boot Sig: 0x29
25. Serial Number: 0x3D89B7ED
26. Volume Name:
27. File System Type: FAT32
28. Boot Signature: 0xAA55
Boot Record for drive *: (Drive: 2, Starting sector: 65,409,120, Type: Ext2)
Ext2 file system super block:
1. Inodes count: 646400
2. Blocks count: 1290870
3. Reserved blocks count: 64543
4. Free blocks count: 934341
5. First data block: 0
6. Logical block size: 2
7. Logical fragment size: 2
8. Blocks/group: 32768
9. Fragments/group: 32768
10. Inodes/group: 16160
11. Mount time: 0x3D8B8D93
12. Last write time: 0x3D8B8D93
13. Mount count: 1
14. Max. mount count: 31
15. Magic number: EF53
16. State: 0x0001
17. Error behavior: 0x0001
18. Minor revision level: 0
19. Last check time: 0x3D8B896B
20. Max. time bet. checks: 15552000
21. Creator oper. system: 0
22. Major revision level: 1
23. Reserved block def. UID:0x0000
24. Reserved block def. GID:0x0000
this is what i have for drive information