Sygate personal firewall pro - upgrades OK ?

I downloaded the Sygate Personal Firewall Pro, from somewhere, works fine, but I have just got a "A new version is available - upgrade now ?" dialog box. Is it OK to do so without the "the serial is a naughty version - you can sod off with the upgrade and we've buggered up your dodgy version too" kind of end result ? :confused: :)
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Sygate downgraded my FW recently to the "Standard" version when I carried out an upgrade to 5.1137 and informed me that my Serial was invalid. I tried to generate a new SN but all were blocked.

I needed to reinstall (after registry clean) and entered a new serial and everything seems OK. I'm not sure whether the later versions are doing an online check because connections to Sygate aren't listed in the Logs.

It appears "some" keys generated to the latest KG are Blacklisted but it's pot luck whether you pick a good one or not.

Sygate firewall

Alway's uncheck the update options, if you wanna upgrade download the latest version, install it over the current version, or uninstall the previous version, and install the new version. The reg info stay's in the registery by uninstalling, and the new version acept it automaticly. Do you now there is a new version, build1150? It's running with a older keycode. Have fun with sygate!
Sygate call home during registration. To avoid this run the attached .reg file before the program is launched for the first time. Then follow normal reg Ok for all. The keys in the reg file make install believe you are upgrading or re-installing and therefore skip the key validation.
To update it´s best to do a manual download of the latest version. However I have tried to check for updates from the options menu and all went fine. I used 5.1137 for this check. Then I downloaded 5.1150 manually. Finally I used the update feature from this version as well...still no problem. My reg keys was generated for use with the first release of V.5 and has not been changed.


