Sygate & Incoming/Outcoming Connections

Hello again, everyone. I have a question concerning Sygate Personal Firewall Pro 5.0, and allowing/blocking incoming/outgoing connections on specific programs. Am I able to do this with this particular firewall? If I am, can someone please help me on achieving this, please? Also, if I am not, can someone tell me which firewall CAN achieve this, please? I have attempted to look myself, and have had no success. Thank you, again. I love this place. Have a nice day. Good-bye.
yes is the simple answer....

You can achieve this in the Applications, Advanced Tab (Do NOT confuse this advanced tab with the Advanced Rules tab - I'll explain later).

Any app that tries to connect to the Internet, Sygate prompts you asking if you would like to allow this. If you want to make the "rule" permanent, tick the checkbox marked "Remember My Answer...." and you will NOT be notified when the app reconnects.

If you want to allow a once off connection simply click Allow.

ONLY allow permanent access to apps you trust - such as your Browser or FTP Client.

The biggest drawback with Sygate is that you've now allowed an app to connect it is granted this permission on EVERY protocol and EVERY port. This can be dangerous. To limit which protocols they can use, click the Application Box, highlight the relevant app and choose Advanced.

In this window you can limit the app to the protocols, ports and addresses which it can connect. For example, your Browser USUALLY only need to connect on port 80 or 443 (Secure Browsing). Sygate will then block all other types of connection.

The "Advanced Rules" tab (found under Tools/Advanced Rules) is where you set rules to allow/block for EVERY app/connection. For example, always set a rule to block port 445 because this the port that the NIMDA virus exploits.

find out more info on the Sygate Forums on:

Hope this makes (some) sense.

Tnx for the link to the Sygate Forums Oldy, will pay regular visits from now on and try and nibble at some info..

XP and service pack 1 - there seems to be a burst of activity when connecting, etc... any harm in blocking these?

Dunno about XP m8, I use Windows 2000. I've blocked all M$ services and haven't tun into a problem browsing, d/l etc. I don't trust any connections that I haven't instigated or requested...

If you use Internet Connetion Sharing some services do require access tho' (LSASS for example) but I'm not sure about which others will need it.

I tend to block everything until something doesn't work and then check what or why it requires access. ;)
