For those wanting to do this conversion, there is a new tool released called (S)VCD2DVDMPG. Ver 0.1.2 beta is available from their home site of

What this tool is for
(S)VCD2DVDMPG is intended to help users to author DVDRs based on SVCD content. The standard process for achieving this is quite convoluted (when achieving high compatibility) and involves numerous steps. These steps require a lot of human intervention and are typically:

* rip SVCD .bin images to mpgs
* demux mpgs to elementary streams (ES)
* resample the audio ES from 44.1 KHz to 48 KHz (via .wav)
* patch the video ES to DVD horizontal resolution
* optionally remux the ES streams into a mpg program stream (PS)
* Repatch VOB files after DVD authoring

Given that we can, in theory, put 5 SVCD images onto one DVDR, we're talking a lot of work both computationally and - more importantly - by the user. All this before we even start authoring the DVD!

(S)VCD2DVDMPG helps by automating all the above steps whilst allowing certain settings to be set for a given situation.
No there is no merging or editing available. All it basically does it automate the demuxing of a file, converting audio to 48khz, change the header to DVD standards to allow you to then Author it. Then able to change header back befor you burn it.

If you author in Maestro (maybe true with others as well) you really dont need to actually join them. Assuming the SVCD is 2 disks long then do all the above on d1 and then on d2. Load the assets of D1 into Maestrio's Movie1, then assets of D2 into Movie2. Set some chapters then in Connection tab, set the Target for the END ACTION of the last chapter of Movie1 to Chapter 00:00:00 of the of Movie2. If there is any 2-3sec offset used when the SVCD was orriginally made, then just move the Start slider on Movie2 to the right by the 2-3 sec needed. Then it will all playback seamles and no farting around joining mpg files and lip sync problems.

All my SVCD's have 48mhz audio and no offset (I planned that knowing DVDR's were not far away!) so I dont need the above program as I can do it a lot simpler manually.
When I try to use this progam...I point the working directory to where my .mpg file (ripped from vcd with VCDEasy) is and when I try to start the program I get a pop-up message which says "Directory does not exist". Could someone please write a step by step guide on how to use this program? Does anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong? My directory (where I stored the mpg file) is D:\Movie\cd1