Seems there is a quite large percentage of people looking for a one-click DVD. I get at least 3 questions like this a week. I give them all the same answer, "If you don't want to learn the software, I suggest you return your dvd burner and spend the money having someone else do it for you."
Until Nero wise up and get their encoder to work properly, Nerovision Express is going to be their Achillie's heel. Everyone I know that has tried it (me included) has ended up using other software, and being shoved into the learning curve, whether they like it or not.
DVD2SVCD does work, mostly. It's downfall (I haven't tried the new version yet) is that you manually have to input the path to avisynth and your encoder. It does not frameserve to Mainconcept (this REALLY peeves me off), the settings for bitrate are completely confusing for a beginner, it's log doesn't really give much information on the process (that a beginner would understand), or it gives info that may be misleading/misunderstood. I could go on, especially about the learning curve associated with avisynth's scripting, if you want an output setting tweaked...
With everyone getting used to junk like Sonic MyDVD, complicated programs with confusing GUI's are going to fall. Only the diehard's like us will bother to learn whatever it takes to get our video the way WE want it, and not the way some preprogrammed template shoves it in our face.
If it were an easy process to master, sites like this wouldn't exist