SVCD=how many disks?

i was wondering, if i converted a movie to a long does it usually take to convert the whole movie? about 1hr.44min. long...

and im using says im using wat?
How long? How longs a piece of string?

It all depends on your CPU speed basically, the faster it is the faster the conversion

With TMPGEnc 2 pass VBR SVCD @ 2550 bps data rate, my Athlon 1.2g converted an 81min movie in 12hrs. If I did a 1 pass VBR SVCD at same data rate, it would have taken only 6hrs, but quality is not as good.

You will also get about 40 to 45min of movie to fit a 74min CDR at that data rate.

Also use the latest TMPGEnc v 2.53, see our main site for time limit crack.