SVCD Builder Released


Quick and easy conversion of DVD or AVI files to SVCD, xSVCD or CVD discs. Requires CCE or Procoder to encode.

Added "Load project" option.
Added the "Wide" feature to keep the beginning part of the widescreen
movie not resized to prevent the cropping of movie name and titles.
Added checking of the supporting programs and files existence.
Added automatic setup of ProCoder's output path.
Added automatic setup of CCE's output path.
Added checking of the encoded files' sizes and comparison with the calculated sizes.
Added ability to delete the intermediate files. (New "Disk space" tab in "Settings" dialog)
The files will be deleted only if their sizes will differ by less than 1% from calculated.
Added calculation of the approximate maximal disk space required. ("Disk space" tab)
Added default discs' overlap settings. ("Misc" tab)
Added default discs' FadeIn and FadeOUT settings. ("Misc" tab)
Added ability to set the maximal TOTAL bitrate (audio + video).
Added ability to adjust FadeIN and FadeOUT duration, per disc.
Left click on the blue/black bar to toggle fading on/off
Right click to view fading settings (then Enter = OK, ESC = Cancel)
Added processes' priorities' settings. Encoder priority can be changed even while encoding.
Added "Pause before encoding" feature.
Added "Show hints" menu item - in order to enable/disable mouse hints.
Added "First disk number" and "Volumes" edit boxes to "Authoring" page -
it can be useful, if the album has more than 3 discs (series).

Mouse hints were changed and new were added.
Menu item "Options" renamed to "Disc ending style".
"bbMUX" multiplexer support is temporarily disabled.
The directories and files can have now long file names.
Implemented project file name length check.
CCE's "Cancel" button is hidden while encoding.
New messages added to the log.
Few less important changes.

Fixed bugs in XML creation.
Fixed bugs in chapters' creation.
Fixed bug: setting "include-exclude Logo" was not saved.
Fixed bug: CCE encode window could be closed, if an external application was running.
Fixed bug: video bitrate mode setting was lost when changing screens.
Fixed bug: AVS script could be edited and the changes were not saved.

These improvements were done thanks to the active participation of Westley and David.
Last edit by..Rastabt.