i have been using canopus procoder quite happily for months now with no major issues , then the last week i have had some contradictory and annoying glitches and failures , gspot shows n/a on a lot of the boxes on a couple of films yet i had got t oactually start an encode on one of them previously , however now it works away for mayeb an hour or so then gives me a " inactivity timeout detected conversio nwas aborted " message on some and on other the whole program just pings off screen with no warnings , is this likely to be a coincidental run of iffy films i have worked on or am i missing something else ? i`d hate to be forced back to using other encoders i kind of got bonded with this one , though if there was another i have not tried which offers good results i`d be happy to try it ( i have tried mainconcept and tmpgenc )