Subtitled S/VCD from VOB/MPEG2 + srt/sub files

hi, question is as follows:
what I have: DVD or ripped Vobs or m2v file as source, sub or srt subtitles file.
what I need: permanent subs in s/vcd.
software i use now: virtualdub, tmpgenc, dvd2svcd.

I've followed CM guide on "how to backup your dvd to svcd" and it's very clear, however - if the subs I want are not on the dvd (different language for instance) then I can't use dvd2svcd to rip them, and as virtualdub can't read mpeg2/vob files - I'm stuck.

I can think of a "dirty" way to do it - like making an avi or mpeg1 stream from the source and then use my regular methods, however, besided being a lengthy tidious job - I lose quality!

any bright ideas? any software combination?

thanx in advance
I'm really not into Subs, but I do understand iAuthor can mux in Subtitles. Sorry I dont have a d/l link but I'm sure a quick search via Google will find it.
Thanx CM, I'll try it out.
Of course, if any new knowledge would evolve, it'll be published.


1. Convert srt to ssa (via SubAdjust or Subrip).
2. Use Avisynth + VirtualDub Subtitler plugin to create avs (with help FitCD):
Example avs script for Legally Blonde PAL SVCD:
global VirtualDub_plugin_directory = "C:\Program Files\GordianKnot\VirtualDub\plugins"

function VD_Subtitler(clip clip, string filename)
LoadVirtualdubPlugin(VirtualDub_plugin_directory+"\subtitler.vdf", "_VD_Subtitler")
return clip._VD_Subtitler(1, filename)

Example ssa script for Legally Blonde PAL SVCD:
[Script Info]
ScriptType: v4.00
Collisions: Normal
PlayResY: 576
PlayDepth: 0
Timer: 100.0000

[V4 Styles]
Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, TertiaryColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, AlphaLevel, Encoding
;SVCD 463 pixels from top (2.1005 - 448x350)
Style: Style1,Swis721 Cn BT,28,16777215,16777215,16777215,-2147483640,-1,0,1,1,0,6,80,80,465,0,238

Dialogue: Marked=0,0:01:15.20,0:01:17.76,Style1,Comment,0000,0000,0000,,Here comes first subtitle.
3. Feed this avs via VFAPI Codec od link2 to CCE SP...
Cokes and CM:
thank you both. Couldn't make it with Cokes' method, but after cruising thru vcdhelp/doom9 docs, I made it happen the following way:

Basic assumption:
You already know how to add permanent subs to your mpegs using virtualdub as a frame server.

1. To override Virtualdub's limitation of not reading mpeg2 streams, I used DVD2AVI to read the source (VOB, M2V, MPEG2) and keeping output as a d2v file ("save project").

2. The "magic" is to use at this stage a little proggie called VFAPI-CONV (full file-name is This turns the d2v file into a fake-avi file, WHICH CAN BE READ BY V-DUB.

3. Note that this can solve the problem of AVI's greater than 2GB also...

4. Once the fake-avi is loaded into virtualdub, you can proceed as usual (...basic assumption).

5. Audio issues - DVD2AVI demuxes an mpa file from the source. Virtualdub does not treat this file as ausio source, so you may have trouble sync'ing your subtitles with no audio. I used besweet to convert the audio file to wav, just for the checking.
The mpa file can be used as audio source in tmpgenc with the video source from virtualdub (with the subs included).

I hope this helps some guys like me... I know I've searched quite a long time for a working (easy) solution.

Thanks for that, I'm sure it will come in handy for others at some point in time.

2. The "magic" is to use at this stage a little proggie called VFAPI-CONV (full file-name is This turns the d2v file into a fake-avi file, WHICH CAN BE READ BY V-DUB.

The fake-avi as you descibe can infact be loaded into ANY program that can input an AVI.
Indeed, I just happen to like VirtualDub better, as it deals with subtitles smoothly (with the plugin from vobsub). I only described the process to bypass the limitations (>2GB file, m2v streams etc...)

If there is a program such as V-dub, that can also read mpeg2/Vob streams - I'd be more than happy to hear about it.
