'Stupid' Userproblem with ICHSE


New member
Hi 2 @ll!

Well, I have a very 'special' Problem with this fine tool.
It seems, that I'm to stupid to use it correctly.

I use IC - that's what ICHSE tells me and I use ICHSE 1.4.
As far as good. - The problem is, that all the settings I enter through ICHSE are ignored by IC8. --- Of course I hit the SET-button :)
If I press the GET-Button I receive the standard settings. The strange thing is, that there is the 'HideLegalWarning' checked but after a recoding of a movie I still have the legal warning screen. For me it looks like, that IC8 ignores everything. :confused:

I read alot in the german helpfile and other online informations but couldn't find a solution. So I started to look (and only LOOK) a little bit around in the Registry.
There I found something strange; Under 'Hkey_Current_User\Software\Vob\CD Wizard' I have two Key's '7.0' and '7.5'. The 7.0 is empty. Under '7.5' I have beside other Keys the 'Copy' Key with all the ICHSE settings.
1.) Shouldn't there be a '8.0' Key or so?
2.) If I change anything in the ICHSE and press the set button nothing is changed in the Registry. :(

What I'm doing wrong???

BTW: I use XP SP1a (german)
I moved the ICHSE Program Files to the same directory as the IC8 EXE.

Any help is very welcome!!
Many TIA!!



New member
Exactly same problem here..
though 1.38 worked fine. I would say it's a bug in 1.40 , but it seems it works for most people here, which is strange, this i tried it on several computers, all the same.


Nope not a strange bug at all guys.

It will not work with a certain *cough* (Quantum) release and will only work with the "official" Pinnacle release. ;)


New member
Can somebody give me a link to the ICHse 1.3.8 ? I just have 1.4.0 and it doesn´t work and I can´t find a link anywhere
Dr.Pepper said:
Hi 2 @ll!

1.) Shouldn't there be a '8.0' Key or so?
2.) If I change anything in the ICHSE and press the set button nothing is changed in the Registry. :(

Any help is very welcome!!
Many TIA!!

Hi Dr.Pepper,

1) No, it is correct that aswell as write to a 7.5 Registry key, thats perfectly normal (at least for pinnacle)
2) have a look here aswell as here that should explain and solve it

pippolino said:
Can somebody give me a link to the ICHse 1.3.8 ? I just have 1.4.0 and it doesn´t work and I can´t find a link anywhere
Hi pippolino!

1.3.8 wouldnt work with IC8, and since you have THAT Problem, you must be using IC8... I can only give you a link for 1.4.1

Laz said:
Nope not a strange bug at all guys.

It will not work with a certain *cough* (Quantum) release and will only work with the "official" Pinnacle release. ;)
Thnx for filling in m8!

had been very busy the last days :(
couldnt take care of everything!

Thanks again!