Strange lines!!!

Since last few days i got some strange lines on my using msi mx 440--winxp-home....Card was working fine before....When i connect regular monitor its ok...But with tv out--see attachment????Lines go from down to up..What this can be???tv is working ok!!!:confused:


The screenshot doesn't show any strange lines.
Check your PSU. Oh, and when you can afford it use something else- I have one MX 400 myself and it's simply a BAD card. I tried an "old" Radeon 8500 recently, which blew the MX' socks off completely, under every aspect.
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Gold Member
Where are the lines..can´t see them in your attachment.

Can you try "primary/allow vmr" with your tv card ?
(implies overlay for your card and win xp)
Im thinking its connected with hydro plug(or cpu as you said??)??Too bad--you cant see it----its not visible much on screenshoy----but on pc is moving---tvout is allready bad for those things-now even worst:( Tryed that....Card isw not too good--true,was working ok--for that money!!:rolleyes:


Staff member
mate ... your card is not broken and surely not your TV :)
The TV has, compared to the screen of your PC a very very bad resolution and it has that lines because of physical circumstances and not because the card is broken.
So if you use a TV for output, you rather just do that for watching movies and not for desktop work.
Otherwise you will hurt your eyes mate :)
Well,problem is that i made my family room like big entertaintment centre and simply its really yglu with monitor--and i got tv allready there!!:) Not good picture like monitor--but convienient.....But its hard too see those lines on screenshot...Anyway problem was when i played my stereo in same time--couse when was playing loud lines were showing and jumping in a bass ritam???So i brought one more hydroline---problem solwed!!!!About eyes??do not know--you are right ,but got to think about it--or will get bad as you said!!
It has no point to use your puter on a shitty TV screen... the money you will save over a good monitor will be spent (in fact 10 times more) to your occulist...
A cheap but decent display 17" monitor screen costs currently 100 $, which is not that much, is it?
And the "lines you mentioned are obviously the synch problems between your card frequwency and the refresh rate of your TV screen. You cannot expect anything decent from 50Hz or pseudo-100Hz refresh rates.
The above el cheapo 17 inch monitors offer a comfortable 1024X768 at 85 Hz refresh rate, which is more than enough to cut out any flickering or transistion effects.
If your family room is ugly with a monitor inside, you can always get a divorce... :D
For one thing, I have my puter and NO TV screen at my living room- Master can confirm it!