Still can't figure it out


New member
So I have already used a dvd decrypter and decrypted a store bought dvd to my hard drive in a seperate folder on the desktop but how do I get that onm a blank dvdr disc. I'm using sonic mydvd and recordnow I don't even know which one to use.
monteburns have a read of these tutorials by Laz and this one also then just us Recordnow to burn your disc.;)
Make sure Recordnow supports your drive otherwise use the steps in the tutorials.


New member
follow the turorials man, they helped me out.

and best software is for free.

for ripping - dvd decrypting - if you decrypted your files and stored them on CDRIVE and they are bigger then your DVD-R (or w/e disc) then use - dvd shrink - which is also free and then use "burnatonce"- free..awesome tools. also burnatonce only works good on Pioneer burners..