Steinberg HALion VSTi v1.12

²Û News on this version : Û²
²Û Û²
²Û - EXS24 import added Û²
²Û - compress Giga Dimension if possible (to reduce the Û²
²Û number of samples) Û²
²Û - better Giga import Û²
²Û - (Windows) "edit in Wavelab" added if host cannot handle Û²
²Û edit and if Û²
²Û Wavelab is installed Û²
²Û - draw crossfade in keyzone Û²
²Û - denormalization problem fixes Û²
²Û - shift rootkey with subfolder Û²
²Û - (Windows) rounding problem of some processors fixed Û²
²Û - (Mac) Memory leak fixed Û²
²Û - crash fixed when notes are playing and fatness is Û²
²Û enabled Û²
²Û - Loop editor: the upper part allows to move the loop, Û²
²Û left and right lower part allows to resize it Û²
²Û - add key command [Shift+H] and [Shift+G] for vertical Û²
²Û zoom


Posted this one coz it's hard to find so..
It's not by Oxygen or Zone, didn't test it yet so hope it works fine ;)

does anyone know where I can download this version of halion from please as I cannot download from cdrsoft forum (no resume). thanks jkat:(