Spiderman 2 PS 2
ok, I tryed burning a copy of my spiderman 2 ps2 game for backup purposes using the latest nero software all was going well as it was creating the image for burning right upto about 56% then it failed on me, please could someone enlighten me?
my system spec is AMD XP processor 2800
ASUS dvd-rw drw-0402p
512 400mhz ddr
please someone help me.
I have simulated the above process at x1 speed and maximum with no success
I am also trying dvd decrypter (upto date version) and again i am having the same problem with the initial read session reaching 56% then stopping only to keep retrying: read errors 0(retries20).
i realise i am new to all this and that this is a new ps2 game but i would love the help if someone could please.
I have just tryed the above process on diskjuggler too...same problem again
....help me please.