Spectacular Meteor show due in UK


A FIREWORK display of shooting stars will rain across Britain this week.

The spectacular blazing meteors — the remains of comet Swift-Tuttle — will be at their peak on Wednesday night.

Robin Scagell, of the Society for Popular Astronomy, said yesterday: “The warm summer nights offer a great chance to see this free firework show.

“At their best you might see 100 an hour.”

Just watch out for that ugly looking plant in the garden!
It happens at my country every year, from the first week of August till mid-September... intensity varies, but the show is great indeed, especially if you live away from the city lights, like myself!
"The Day of the Triffids" - It starts with a meteor shower, and then everyone (but a few key characters) wakes up blind and these plants are walking around killing them - I know it sounds like a B-movie.

Actually, in the book, the plants are already there and dangerous, but are farmed - whereas in the film, they don't seem to bother with their origin.

The TV series was reasonably close to the book, unlike the film.
No wonder I didn't get it. The only thing I know about the Day of the Triffids is the title. Never read it or saw the series.
lol, I thought of that and now I remember the TV series :). The guy has bandages around his eyes so he doesn't get blinded. How lame was it though?,the acting etc :D

do remember the stupid noise they used to make?