
Got win2000, no service packs, does SP3 contains all the previous SP"s?, mean no need to install SP1, then SP2 and finally SP3 ?
That is correct, every new servicepack contains all the "older" servicepacks. So when you install sp3, you also installs sp1 and 2
By the way, another silly question :)

I"m going to degrade from XP to 2000 ( and be happy again :) ).
I have 2 hard disks, c, d both formated as NTFS with XP. D has only data. Will HD D be visible from win2k, mean WinXP"s NTFS is compatible with the old Win2k"s NTFS system (NTFS5) ?
No problem say Microsoft.
And if you get problems, use acronis part manager, and convert the file system, clean, fast, easy....
SP3 causes problems on some systems (depends on harware/drivers);
installing only SP2 is more recommended;

also if you have (NTFS-)compressed folders/files on your D:\ drive, you may get problems during write access; W2k and XP doesn't using the same NTFS subversion;

Greetings from
I would also be satisfied with SP2, and stay clear of SP3. It includes some of these most annoying features which only Microsfoft would consider as improvements, plus some elements which can either lenghthen your bootup and shutdown times, or in cases cause system instability.
Multiple SCSI elements, virtual or not, is one case which causes confusion to SP3.
I had heard 2 that Sp3 was causin a lot of probs:(

Gonna switch 2 2000 at the weekend(wish me luck0:):p
& after readin this, i will be stickin 2 Sp2


i installed sp3 n i think afterwards my system began to misbehave.Had to clean my win2k then
y do u want to install sp3?heard than sp2 is more than enough
serjer said:
i installed sp3 n i think afterwards my system began to misbehave.Had to clean my win2k then
y do u want to install sp3?heard than sp2 is more than enough
Mine was not misbehaving... unless blue screens every 3-4 days for no reason at all are included in misbehaviour... :rolleyes:
With SP2 the system was running 24/7 for weeks without the slightest problem- almost unnatural for MS-OS. Actually I consider 2000SP3 less bloated than XP SP1, but less stable too!
nasty mailman said:
Pretty strange: for me, 2000 SP3 works just fine. :confused:
Not for me... But by the way, I also use Kerio PF 3 beta. Cannot tell if it's a Kerio3/SP3 specific issue, but I think not... SP2 works like a dream with KPF3 beta.
Well as I can tell used sp3 on my puter (when I had win2k installed) and worked fine.I've heard that sp3 has some spywares from M$....Now I have xp and I'm badlyxp-rienced..Wait for sp2..
I'm running SP3 with no probles here on my NVIDEA2 chipset m/b. Whats a bsod ? I've never seen one :D and my system runs 24/7 also.
No problems here with SP3 but I did have some bother after applying the so called Critical Updates from M$.

Anyone got any info. on the results of installing SP4 yet?

Thanks FortiTude for the quick reply M8, it'll be a while before all the various SP4 faults and conflicts come into the board but you have at least sounded a positive note to start with. :)