SOS!! HELP!! installing a new hard drive

i just go a 120GB WD hard disc, so i set it to slave connected it to the same IDE cable my C drive, now a F drive does not come up, i know it has to be formatted but how do i do that?? it shows the disc in the device manager and says its working properly ! but i cant get it to show up under my computer
any help would be good
z0z3ko_Ol said:
U need to partition & format the drive.
What OS are u using?
xp!! how would i do that!!?? if the drive had a name under my computer i suppose i just Format:F in Dos, i really have no idea


No need to use dos ;)

Open control panel -> administrative tools -> computer management -> storage -> disk management.
Right click on disk to be formated. U'll get a menu.
Select "create primary partition" (it may be diff on urs)
A create partition wizard will popup (see image below) and follow the instructions.
When prompted for filesystem to use, there are 2 options: Fat32 & NTFS
Choose what's most appropriate for u. I prefer NTFS.



z0z3ko_Ol's is a simple and easy way to get it done in Windows XP. Since you already have XP installed, go this route.

I still prefer the Oldskool way in DOS. IMHO, everybody should understand the basics of doing it in DOS in case you ever really need to. Read up here for an excellent tut (and download the .pdf file) on how to do it.
There is usually software available from the manufacturer which can handles partitioning, formatting, or even copying the current working partition from the old drive to the new (normally faster) drive, and guide how to swap them over.

For Western digital, this is "Data Lifeguard tools" - a suite that replace most of the old separates
Of course, if you are like me and avoid wizards (remember Nero?), then you can install the drive, boot up, and enter computer management. Click on disk management and right click on the blank new drive. R-click and select format (quick format) and NTFS. Assign it the drive letter you want it to be. Done.
what is the S.M.A.R.T thing on my hard drives!??? and should i enable it!!??? also how would i enable it!!!
S.M.A.R.T. (Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) is a technology that monitors and predicts the performance of the hard drive. When enabled it can help keep downtime and possible loss of data to a minimum by reporting the reliability of the hard drive to the user. It is enabled in the bios although there are programs that can enable it..
stevie_boz said:
S.M.A.R.T. (Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) is a technology that monitors and predicts the performance of the hard drive. When enabled it can help keep downtime and possible loss of data to a minimum by reporting the reliability of the hard drive to the user. It is enabled in the bios although there are programs that can enable it..

so that means i should enable it or not!!!, would it increase or decrease perfomance???
Enabling it CAN cause a very slight performance drop but an early indication of hard drive failure is worth it in my opinion..