Sony DVD

Have anyone ever come across a Sony DVDdriver disk for a normal household DVD Player.
Bought a Sony DVD (DAV-S300) but the flaming thing won't play any of my Photo VCD's that i burn on my computer.
Been in touch with Sony but they are as much use as a chocolate furnace. :confused:
Spoke to a mate and he told me about this disk. He had a Sony DVD player that was giving him a bit of trouble and as it was still under warranty and him being handicapped the maintenance guy called at his house to fix it.
He put a Sony disk in the player called up a menu on the tele then reset everything up on the dvd and said that the drivers needed updating.
Have anyone got any suggestions on the VCD situation with this bit of a dvd player I wasted a lot of money on.
Any help would be gratefully received.:( :( :( :confused:
how old is this sony !? they should warrenty it for 12 months to 2 years at least !?

If its under warrenty then i suggest that you ...

ring them again and demand that they find someone that can fix this problem as its THEIR responsibility to look after their customers!

email them ring them and write to them !

and incidentally i found loads of complaints here about it >

mainly with it failing to play back cdr disks if any disks at all some of the complaints !?

some people are pretty darn pi~%$d with sony and this particular dvd player with the lazer unit packing in after only a year less in some cases !? with costs of upto £100 for it to be replaced / fixed !?

so its not good news ?! :(
DVDR Help .Com ?

@ Bald Eagle,

Suggest you visit The DVDR Help Web Site ( for help with your Sony DVD (DAV-S300).

There is an enormous amount of information located at The DVDR Help Web Site and you should be able to obtain information about VCD and Sony DVD (DAV-S300) compatibility issues.

Thanks Guys
It seems that this dvd player is a bit of a pig. It appears to work with some CD-R but the same CD-R on another system will not work.
Read an interesting case in America where the customers tried to get Sony in court over this same unit.
Reading most of the writeups most people who purchased this machine are happy with it and the people that found the right combination of CD-R and the way they burn appear to get the machine to work. These people are over the moon with it.
It seems like its a Suck It and See situation.
Find the right CD-R disk and your away.