Sonic Scenarist error-TOTAL SECTOR SIZE BIGGER THAN DVD-screenshot??


New member

I'am using this with DVD2SVCD in DVD2DVD mode and all works well till I get this error. "TOTAL SECTOR SIZE<2294949>IS BIGGER THAN DVD DISC CAPACITY<2294912>"

Can someone help me correct this? Thank you!
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Hi & Welcome to our forum! :cool:

sorry, i don't have knowledge in DVD backuping; please stay a little bit patient, the experts will surely find and reply your question;

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Greetings from
Sounds like your video and audio file sizes are just a tad to big by 37 sectors.

What disk size did you use in the Bitrate tab of DVD2SVCD ? Try lowering it a bit and re-encode. A simpler solution could be to re-encode the audio to a slightly less bitrate (thus a smaller file size) to fir onto the DVDR.


New member
Thank you both for your replies. I left it at the default of 4480 I believe it was. I was hoping to avoid another encode and the time associated with it but looks like I have no choice. Will also try lowering the bitrate on the audio stream and see where that gets me. Thank you again and I look forward to contributing to the forum.