Some files have changed error with IfoEdit

Trying to strip some stuff from NAME REMOVED.Had worked previously )ver .1) butI wanted to change what I stripped. Tried again with .1.1 but I'm getting an error now after IfoEdit starts:

"Some files have changed?
Really exit without saving?"

This is accompanied by a TimeMap table error, and finally it syays the IFO Endsector does not match the file size.

Any ideas?


New member
I had the same problem/error message with NAME REMOVED but had no problems with NAME REMOVED. I'm going to e-mail MackemX with a screenshot of IFOEdit when it displayed that error message so he'll be able to troubleshoot this issue.
tim254 said:
I had the same problem/error message with "Die Another Day," but had no problems with "25th Hour." I'm going to e-mail MackemX with a screenshot of IFOEdit when it displayed that error message so he'll be able to troubleshoot this issue.
I had this ocurr once. I rebooted my computer and it has not re-appeared. I'm running XP Pro.

Good Luck!


This has happened again and disappeared after a reboot.
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New member
What operating systems are you guys running and what is the path of your Wndows directory
I'm using Windows XP SP1 with all security patches applied.

BTW: DVDStripper v0.1.1 has fixed the IFOEDit hanging issued related to the rollup security patches ... at least for the two DVD's I've tried so far.
I'm working on my third DVD now and I'll let you know if either error happens again.
I'm running Windows 2003, and my windows is C:\Windows

I stopped, (even uninstalled) Norton AV as well. Of course, rebooted and tried again. I'd just assume it was the DVD except that it had worked previously...

The attached files are the error messages. Once the third error is clicked (The one that states the IFO Endsector does not match the file size - Ifo3.gif) if I click OK it continues, but eventually quits without completing all the files. It finally gives me a memory error - not an allocation error, but almost as if it couldn't find the right stack point. (Ifo4.gif) I'm going to pursue this as if it were an IfoEdit error, and see what I can find.


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OK, I've tried clicking NO on the "Some files have changed. Really exit without saving?" box, and then I manually save it. This happened with VTS 2 and VTS 4. When I did this, the program completed normally (except for those two hiccups). I.E. it did not give me the memory error. When I tested the results with PowerDVD it seemed to play fine. I will continue on backing this DVD up (CCE route, probably) and post results.

So far my hypothesis is that for some reason IfoEdit is not saving the changed .ifo and .bup for certain VTSs. Not sure why. But because the .ifo is not changed, it later continues to look for files that it thinks should still exist, but have been removed, causing the memory error.
timekills said:
OK, I've tried clicking NO on the "Some files have changed. Really exit without saving?" box, and then I manually save it. This happened with VTS 2 and VTS 4. When I did this, the program completed normally (except for those two hiccups). I.E. it did not give me the memory error. When I tested the results with PowerDVD it seemed to play fine. I will continue on backing this DVD up (CCE route, probably) and post results.

So far my hypothesis is that for some reason IfoEdit is not saving the changed .ifo and .bup for certain VTSs. Not sure why. But because the .ifo is not changed, it later continues to look for files that it thinks should still exist, but have been removed, causing the memory error.
you are just about right in what you are doing but you do not have to Save and I've posted the simple workaround HERE

I've just had a guy that has had his PC running all night and got exactly the same 'Some files have changed' popup while I was chatting to him online. I told him what to do but his PC eventually got a BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death). What I did know is that last night before going to bed he ran the processing as I was also online with him and it completed the processing just fine. This morning he had tried to mod the IFO's and had made a mistake so I told him to run the Emergency process again to fix the IFO's and that's when he got the 'Some files have changed' popup

he has a XP2600 with 512mb of 3200 DDR memory and was writing from one physical hard drive to another so his system isn't exactly low in spec

it's pretty obvious to me that at the 2nd time of processing his current system resources were low and a reboot was required. The popup was an early sign of the BSOD to come due to the low system resources :(

he rebooted and the process ran fine again and that this is probably why DenFussell also never got the issue after a reboot as he had refreshed his system resources

I have a 1.8 P4 laptop with only one 20Gb Hard drive and 128MB of memory and I've ran DS on WIN98SE/ME/XP and all worked OK when processing

I just don't know what can be causing the Ifoedit issues at the minute and unless I get hold of a PC that has issues I can't do much but I'm looking for one as I'm testing it on everyone's PC that I know

If I did get a PC that had issues the first thing I would do is checkout the MSCONFIG and see what is really starting when you bootup the PC as not everything shows in the system tray. I'd also install some sort of system optimizer for Windows along with a memory management program

I know that even a reboot will not fix things for people but if you feel you have a spec that shouldn't be struggling then something is causing either a conflict with Ifoedit or your system resources are being drained upon startup. Hopefully someone can come up with a solution if I can't as I know installing extra software is not the answer to everyone's problems as some will have still have issues even with a tweaked system but it will help some. I would recommend you do it regardless of whether you suffer or not as you will be surprised at just how many programs start and are running hidden in the background eating at your system resources every second that it's on
MackemX said:
...he has a XP2600 with 512mb of 3200 DDR memory and was writing from one physical hard drive to another so his system isn't exactly low in will be surprised at just how many programs start and are running hidden in the background eating at your system resources every second that it's on

Not to toot my horn, but I'm running this on a dual Athlon MP 2400 with 2 GB of RAM, and the program is running on a SCSI U160 17GB drive, with the data going from a 120 GB WD JBB (drive with DVD image) to a Maxtor IDE w/ 150 free GB of 200. The SCSI drive with the program is my C (OS) drive. So this is not exactly "Low spec" either. Oh, and it's water cooled to a max of 40 Celcius, although typically around 33-35, so it's not a heat-related issue either. My email ain't for nothing ;) Bottom line, I have plenty of resources left. As stated above, I've even removed, not just disabled, my AV just to confirm. It is a dual-monitor setup, but I doubt that's the problem....although...hmmm.

Anyhow, I'd be willing to try it on any of my other b0xen - a dual Xeon, or my uni P4 box, but of course, I don't have the keys for that. I never say die though. I'm a stubborn bastard. :D
you can throw the resources out the window as I got a prehistoric PII to work as I described in the other thread HERE and that can barely function as a calculator never mind run DVDStripper and Ifoedit

I've just spent the last few hours online with tim254 and testing his two systems and it seems that the DVDStripper version I sent him works on one but not on the other :confused: . Both have XP with SP1 updates installed

we have compared the files used by DVDStripper in both and there are just a few file differences between the two systems so it's still undergoing testing

so maybe it's a system file that's to blame, which one I just don't know but maybe soon we will find out

anyway, timekills just email me and I'll send you the same version I sent tim254 so you can test it

cheers :)
MackemX said: maybe it's a system file that's to blame, which one I just don't know but maybe soon we will find out

anyway, timekills just email me and I'll send you the same version I sent tim254 so you can test it

cheers :)

BTW - don't go crazy trying to solve everyone's problems. You said yourself you know the pain of being the resident hardware expert - software problems are just like hardware problems squared :)
tim254 has now got his 2nd PC working just by copying the four different System32 files that were different from his main PC onto his 2nd PC

after a few test runs with the latest version of DVStripper it now works and does not stop on the 'some files have changed' window

changing the System32 files that caused issues for me and tim254 have worked with a little user input

@timekills, you have Windows2003 so I ain't got a clue what to suggest you do apart from give you the same version as tim254 and see what happens. Like you say I cannot fix everyone's PC for them but I have shown that I fixed my own and along with tim254, we also fixed his by changing 4 system files. He still may have issues but the problem DVD he had seems to work just fine now

maybe you can isolate the problem files using a program called DependancyWalker that tim254 suggested but it doesn't list 2003 as an OS :( (

if you save your dwi file and email it to me I can do compare and see what's different


p.s. I like software issues just as much as hardware issues :)


New member
MackemX said:
you are just about right in what you are doing but you do not have to Save and I've posted the simple workaround HERE

I've just had a guy that has had his PC running all night and got exactly the same 'Some files have changed' popup while I was chatting to him online. I told him what to do but his PC eventually got a BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death). What I did know is that last night before going to bed he ran the processing as I was also online with him and it completed the processing just fine. This morning he had tried to mod the IFO's and had made a mistake so I told him to run the Emergency process again to fix the IFO's and that's when he got the 'Some files have changed' popup

he has a XP2600 with 512mb of 3200 DDR memory and was writing from one physical hard drive to another so his system isn't exactly low in spec

it's pretty obvious to me that at the 2nd time of processing his current system resources were low and a reboot was required. The popup was an early sign of the BSOD to come due to the low system resources :(

he rebooted and the process ran fine again and that this is probably why DenFussell also never got the issue after a reboot as he had refreshed his system resources

I have a 1.8 P4 laptop with only one 20Gb Hard drive and 128MB of memory and I've ran DS on WIN98SE/ME/XP and all worked OK when processing

I just don't know what can be causing the Ifoedit issues at the minute and unless I get hold of a PC that has issues I can't do much but I'm looking for one as I'm testing it on everyone's PC that I know

If I did get a PC that had issues the first thing I would do is checkout the MSCONFIG and see what is really starting when you bootup the PC as not everything shows in the system tray. I'd also install some sort of system optimizer for Windows along with a memory management program

I know that even a reboot will not fix things for people but if you feel you have a spec that shouldn't be struggling then something is causing either a conflict with Ifoedit or your system resources are being drained upon startup. Hopefully someone can come up with a solution if I can't as I know installing extra software is not the answer to everyone's problems as some will have still have issues even with a tweaked system but it will help some. I would recommend you do it regardless of whether you suffer or not as you will be surprised at just how many programs start and are running hidden in the background eating at your system resources every second that it's on
I am having this problems with a complex movie NAME REMOVED. It has over 100 title sets!!..Anyway the link to the workaround is dead. Can someone clue me into what that was?

Thanks guys