

Yes m8.

Use the latest version of DVD2Avi to convert the video & Sound.

Then use the latest Tmpgenc to convert theses files into Mpeg 1 or 2 then use a write program such as Nero to write the mpeg into VCD or SVCD.

Good luck, for a good clear picture and sound it takes about 5 to 10 hours.

Hey fawksie, If you use Flask Mpeg then you don't have to convert and avi to a vcd. You actually skip a move and save some time. ChickenMan has a tutorial for vcd to dvd here, so grab it and take a look.
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You can skip a move and skip a hell of a lot of quality!;)
Use Chickenmans tutorials to backup Dvd to Vcd.
Dvd2Avi and tempgenc are the progs u need if u want to get your vcds anywere near the quality of DVD.
With this method u should expect results equal or better than commercial Vhs tapes.
I use this method for playback on large screen TV and I get excellent results.

Here is the link. I recommend u print the entire tutorial for easy reference.(reverence!).
mixed bag on this one.
For regular movies, DVD2AVI & then using tmpgenc to encode will give you the best quality you can get.
However when it comes to doing movies with subtitles (that's if you want to have them appear all the time), then FlaskMPEG does a better job I think.
Quality wise you will lose a little compared to DVD2AVI method (but not huge *maybe 10%-15%).
Have a look at the tutorials section here by ChickenMan & all will be revealed