Smartripper 2.41

I was on another sight an some guy says with Samrtripper 2.41 I do not need the DVD2AVI program to make the VCD. That I can just rip the DVD to the hard drive and Smartripper will create the .d2 file that DVD2AVI used to make. First off, is that true? Secondly what about the audio file, does it make that file as well? And will this work for the other formats besides PAL? Sounds good, but I wanted to check with the resident expert here....

Thanks Chickenman.....
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got the .d2 part working, but when Smartripper is done I do not have an audio file for TMPGEnc to use. So what did I do wrong? HELP!!!! lol...............
All reports suggests the Smart ripper d2v file screws up VOB 1 & 2 by reversing them. It also assumes ALL DVD's are PAL so screws NTSC DVD's really bad.

SmartRipper can also be used to rip out the AC3 audio track ( look in Settings) but that then has to be converted to WAV or MP2 or MP3 for Tmpgenc to handle it.

To bloody messy, just use DVD2AVI !
Yep maybe, but unless it can also strip out audio as a WAV then it does not eliminate any steps in the conversion process.