Slow DVD Decrypter speeds


New member
I have always used DVD Decrypter for my dvd backups. I used to be able to finish a dvd in about 20 minutes with my Samsung Sd-616 DVD-ROM drive. I am currently using version of DVD Decrypter. But recently my drive speeds have slowed to around 1-2.5x on read speeds, thus taking anywhere from 40-60 minutes to read a disk. Does anyone have any idea why this may be. I know my Sony DRU-500A reads at slow speeds, but I think that is a copyright thing from Sony (read that somewhere). Any help is most appreciated.


New member
ChickenMan said:
Sounds like DMA has been turned off. Check in Device Manager.
That would have been a good thougt, since I have to disable it to update my firmware for my burner, but I checked and both DVD drives are enabled and rnning in DMA mode 2


Have you installed any new software of late?

One that springs to mind is anything by 321 studios as some of the drivers it installs can really screw up DVD reading times. The answer I've found that works is to go into device manager and delete the IDE channel you reader is installed on and reboot. Windows will then find everything again for you.

The other possibility is that the laser needs cleaning.


New member
Just to give you a follow up, I have done a lot of searching to figure out he problem, and apparently Windows Xp will automatically reset to PIO mode if it encounters too many read errors. It will still report DMA mode, but it will actually be reading in PIO. THis can be identified by speeds of 2.0 or 2.1x. As suggested above, removeing the DIE channel that contains the drive causes Xp to reset the value when it reinstalls the channel. Unfortunately, it appears that this problem will occur from time to time as your "error count" goes up. This is of particular note if you copy CDs "on-the-fly". I hope this helps someone else down the road.