Sims deluxe prob.... help please

Hello all,

I am a newbie here, but not to burning. I'm having no end of trouble trying to backup, yes genuinely backup, my copy of the sims deluxe edition.
I have tried clonecd, which I own registered version. Nero, again latest reg version. Alcohol 120%, not reg, just got.
I tried clony xl with clone cd, but whatever I just make coasters. They will install game but not play. I have also installed from original, then try backup, no joy.
I have a new pioneer 106, dvd/cd burner, and a basic lg 52x drive.
I have win xp, with force aspi instaled, although I know little of what it does. I am going mad and have made about ten coasters, and 6 of them have been Good Verbatim cdr's..........wasted. I've backed up all my ps2 with verbatim/clonecd, cept this one.

I would be sooooo pleased to be able to make a backup before my daughter scratches the original, which cost a bit, so if any of you guys out there can help me I would be very much obliged.


See this tute but since your burner isn't a 2 sheep model, you'll need some luck.

Try alcohol with safedisc 2 datatype settings (i.e. Bypass efm error should be checked).

If that doesn't work then your only real option is to make an emu copy with CloneCD.
stone_burner said:
See this tute but since your burner isn't a 2 sheep model, you'll need some luck.

Try alcohol with safedisc 2 datatype settings (i.e. Bypass efm error should be checked).

If that doesn't work then your only real option is to make an emu copy with CloneCD.
Thanx for the help. I got fed up with all the stuffin around, and bought another drive, a lite-on ltr52246s, which cost me the paltry sum of $95AUD, I live in oz btw, it did the trick no probs, and the resultant disc runs in my laptop dvd-rom drive aswell.
Due to how good lite-ons are, I thought they would have been more expensive. I would have got one sooner had I known how cheap they were. My pioneer 106 is the business on burning dvds, which is what it was bought for, and the sims was the first issue I ever had with it. Still recommend 106 if you wanna burn dvds, its fast n good, does rw's at 2.4x, which is fast for dvd.
Anyway thanks for help guys
U got a damn good drive there bud:)

LiteOn's are great 4 backin up Ur games & reliable drives, only time mine gave me any bother was wehn i tried out ner 6:p but that wasn't the drives fault:D:D:D
