sig website link wrong?

casio7131 said:

your sig gives this link to the dvdstripper homepage, while if you go from the link is (notice the extra "/").

the 2 pages are different, and it seems like the "//tool" is the newest/correct page. maybe you should change the link in your sig. (note, i'm not bitching, just trying to be helpful.)
cheers, I'll sort it out ;)


both pages are the same for me

can you try pressing CTRL+F5 and refresh the page
strange, if I delete the /tool.htm it affects the //tool.htm

they are linked somehow, but are the same for me after pressing CTRL+F5

what is it like for you ?


New member
seems to be fine now, pressing f5 gives new version (maybe i was looking at an old cached version?). strange though, i did also check the two pages using another browser (ie), which had never loaded your homepage before, and they were also different -- but now they are both the same. so it would seem to be fixed.
even pressing F5 on my system sometimes doesn't work so I need to press CTRL+F5 and then it will work

at least it's sorted now but thanks for bringing it up ;)