Shrek DVD

Does anyone know if there is a protection on Shrek when ripping, cause I can't rip it using SmartRipper.


I did the job with smartripper 2.41 .... worked good... no problems

check the disc for scretches

what's your location? In this region of asia it does have protection, but smart ripper disables macrovision (if you have it checked in the settings). My guess is that you don't have macrovision checked though (unless some new type of protection being used in your region).


I ripped region 2 shrek ... off course there is macrovision on it ..with smartripper it isn´t a real protection :)

besides .. i think if u don´t use "demacrovision" u can rip the DvD but if u r trying to watch it u will get problems cause of macrovision...

ya you're right elpresidente, sorry wasn't paying too much attention last night lol. Could be a scratch or it's really dirty (fingerprints & such).
Mates have ripped both R1 (NTSC) and R4 (PAL) and no problems at all using SmartRipper.

If it cant rip it for you then what what is the error message you get?