serial DAP

dap 5.0

maybe try this out - remember the info that you use to install the program - because it does - everything has to match

Download Accelerator 5.0

Install dap5.exe fill in the questionaire

After installation open dap goto help then enter registration info

1 Dap code is the first line

2 username just as you put it in when installing

3 email just as you put it in when installing

4 leaving dap open goto Cr-dap50.exe and double click on it

Enter dap code from 1

Enter username from 2

Enter email from 3

5 hit the generate! button - reg key will have a value - copy it exaclty

6 go back to dap window for entering reistration and put the reg key value in that line exactly as it was from 5

7 hit ok on the registration window

8 done - close the Cr-dap50 window and save both of the programs just in case you have to reinstall the software

9 go thru the options under dap and change the settings for the type of connection you have to the internet

10 enjoy


:D :cool: :D

Useing a keymake would be easier if this is the version you are looking for......

Hope this is the one your are loking for.

Softname: Download Accelerator Plus 5.2.04 Beta
Platform: Win 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP
Extra: Keymake

I just checked the downloads here.
Download: site 1 and site 2 for program are not working.

The download site for the Keymake is working OK.


:D :cool: :D
And for the one who don´t want to search or know how to.

Here is an working keygen for 5.0


Sorry Xbenchman and you guys on this place.
I was to fast didn´t read it to well but you already post it.

Sorry one more time :eek:


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