Scenarist Subtitle problem

Let me start by telling you where i'm upto

The project has 1 title with 3 pgc's, all 3 pgc's a different TV eps,

each pgc composed of 1 x mpv, 1 x ac3 track, and 3 sets of subs

pcg 1 looks like this in scenarist

Mpeg stream
AC3 audio stream
subtitle 1 (Danish)
subtitle 2 (English)
Subtitle 3 (Finnish)

the other 2 pgcs are in the same order just with different mpg,ac3,subs

THE PROBLEM : When i author the project, I end up with only Danish subtitles for subpicture 1,2 & 3

anyone know why? , BTW I did set the language for each subtitle when i imported them into scenarist


sorry mate ...can´t help (quit authoring with scenarist some time ago)... maybe u should switch to another authoring tool ... e.g. Sonic DVD Producer... is not that powerful but easier to use ...and offers everthing u need incl simple menus.....

Thanks for the welcome Poacher

elpresidente I need to use scenarist because i have to duplicate the DVD and all its Pgcs exactly. as i want to use Ifoupdate to reintergrate the newly authored vobs back into the original menus & extras. can sonic DVD producer do this for me?


it is able to do these things ....
it creates a new PGC for every movie u import .... and it is also able to import subtitles .....

btw. I´m not sure but I don´t think that u have to do a 100% copy of the structure to reintegrate the mainmovie into the "original" structure ....

I think your right elpresidente, I have left the subtitles out before, when doing single PGC titles in Maestro, and things worked ok, I just wanted to get as much on this one as possible, trying to get myself upto release standards. as a few groups i'm interested in aproaching wont touch any dvdr without the basic included ;)