Let me start by telling you where i'm upto
The project has 1 title with 3 pgc's, all 3 pgc's a different TV eps,
each pgc composed of 1 x mpv, 1 x ac3 track, and 3 sets of subs
pcg 1 looks like this in scenarist
Mpeg stream
AC3 audio stream
subtitle 1 (Danish)
subtitle 2 (English)
Subtitle 3 (Finnish)
the other 2 pgcs are in the same order just with different mpg,ac3,subs
THE PROBLEM : When i author the project, I end up with only Danish subtitles for subpicture 1,2 & 3
anyone know why? , BTW I did set the language for each subtitle when i imported them into scenarist
The project has 1 title with 3 pgc's, all 3 pgc's a different TV eps,
each pgc composed of 1 x mpv, 1 x ac3 track, and 3 sets of subs
pcg 1 looks like this in scenarist
Mpeg stream
AC3 audio stream
subtitle 1 (Danish)
subtitle 2 (English)
Subtitle 3 (Finnish)
the other 2 pgcs are in the same order just with different mpg,ac3,subs
THE PROBLEM : When i author the project, I end up with only Danish subtitles for subpicture 1,2 & 3
anyone know why? , BTW I did set the language for each subtitle when i imported them into scenarist