SB Live! best driver?

A new CT4780 waiting to go in my machine - appears to equate to a Live! Value (EMU10K1 and the CT1297 codec)

I didn't do TOO bad, as the CT1297 codec is better than the SigmaTel on some versions.

So For Win98SE , the best are?



These (probably not - they seem targeted to musical use, I want game and recording)

I can also rustle up a LiveWare 3 FULL , or a download of 56Mb of "Liveware XP" - not sure if that's Liveware ONLY FOR XP, or Live ware compatible witrh everything up to XP?

on the site for SB it should say which OS it will work with.
The one I have for winXP is labeled SBLiveXP.
Could be different but just make sure by confirming on their site.

good luck
It's not ON the Site ;)
Creative don't let you download a full Liveware!

I've settled on a 300+ Mb monster which my brodbanded friend is downloading.


The Audigy kit which can also be persuaded to run the Live
- should be as good as it gets?

I actually blundered into that one while looking for Soundfonts - I want a really nice GM set - found a few good links, but not the "GM Alive!" set that I was looking for.
There is no info on it at the site?
Good luck then, as most creative drivers & add-on software is just junk anyways.
They have been a subject of debate of late & doesn't look like many will be buying their products anymore (not that they make bad cards, just bad support & drivers).
BLAST! The Compaq download appears to be for XP

But the site it was posted at suggests it's WDM for all WDM-capable Windows versions.

I currently have a Ct5803 SB128 PCI OEM, so I've got used to climbing into assorted site FTPs for better drivers.

Yeah! - Know what you mean about Creative!

Most other cards, you have TWO shots at getting good drivers, nicel;y tweaked ones from the card maker/brander, and original, often more up to date ones from the FTP site of the far eastern chipmaker.

Creative got dragged screaming to meet the costcutters at the cheaper end of the market, and treat anyone but full retail cutomers like dirt.

I had a boxed SB16 ASP and a Creative CR563 CD-ROM - you can guess how long ago that was, and what I paid! - Support was EXCELLENT then - phoned up, and got sent drivers on floppy!

It happens to all though, remember how USR made GREAT modems, not any more!
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Go to:


These drivers are CLAIMED to work on Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP...but your milage may vary. You are supposed to ignore that the drivers are for XP. It is the full driver installation CD that compaq has released to their customers. The driver is dated 3/18/2002.

Warning the file size is 377mb!

To install...extract the files to a directory (ignore the warning at end of extraction) Enter the audio directory, then setup. You then must delete CToem config file that is in this directory or else setup wont work. Double click and setup/install what drivers and utilities you want. Reboot.

I agree with other postings on these drivers...they seem to solve many of the WinXP/Live! issues of the past. Personally I just installed the drivers as I don't need the extras.

BTW, these drivers are for SBLives! AND Audigy's so I'm not sure if your card is fully supported! You did say it equates to an Live!, right?!

Good luck!


Thank you very much Dxkim !!!!!!!

those drivers are the best i ever had for my Live Player1024 (Value?)

I installed the drivers and software without any tweaking or deleting. Installed fine with Win98SE and my homebuild pc.

btw. download lasted 71 minutes

Forgot to say that the drivers are wdm-drivers


Master said:
Thank you very much Dxkim !!!!!!!

those drivers are the best i ever had for my Live Player1024 (Value?)

I installed the drivers and software without any tweaking or deleting. Installed fine with Win98SE and my homebuild pc.

btw. download lasted 71 minutes

Forgot to say that the drivers are wdm-drivers
My pleasure ;)

Thanks for confirming that they are Win9x compatable. Hopefully this thread will help all those who have been having problems with their Sound Blaster and/or Audigy.


It´s a good idea to uninstall all creative crap before installing the new drivers. I installed the drivers and the creative mixer only.
For the rest you will find better software.


Master said:
It´s a good idea to uninstall all creative crap before installing the new drivers. I installed the drivers and the creative mixer only.
For the rest you will find better software.
Yes...there is MUCH better software out there for your needs. The drivers are only 15 megs of the 377 meg file. That's a whole load of extra crap! ;)
Thanks DXKIM and others, those ARE the drivers my friend downloaded for me - 512k cable!!!
The card is DEFINITELY a Live - just which of the infinite varieties was questionable - Value seems to be IT, and it's not a 5.1 - actually markes as a 1024 Value by the seller, but I'm not so sure - just pleased NOT to get the awful Sigmatel codec!

I'll reward you with the extreme timewaster my friend gave me

You'll either HATE it, or you won't be able to stop!
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hello, could anyone post the driver only for sblive5.1 xp? im on a 26kbit/sec connection for the next couple of months, 377meg gonna take like a whole week. if you dont have a place to up, can you split it up & email it to me. aol has unlimited mailbox space..or so. If you can email, please PM me. thanks
One of the guys at w*w.driverheaven.NET has made a driver-only kit out of it.

I'll come back with a more exact indirect link if I find it before you do!

Choice of WDM driver, and various utilities

The WDM Driver (Newspage & link)

The thread...

This IS the breakdown of the COMPAQ drivers - and also pretty well identical to the UK/Europe CD offer ((£1 / 1.5 EU + tax)
I've ordered the CD, then I know I't's good

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i install the drivers & no longer able to hear sound out of my rear speakers. i have a live! 5.1 mp3+. with the xp drivers the speakers plugged into the rear output on the card works fine. now nothing. any ideas? thanks.



Master said:
Thank you very much Dxkim !!!!!!!

those drivers are the best i ever had for my Live Player1024 (Value?)

I installed the drivers and software without any tweaking or deleting. Installed fine with Win98SE and my homebuild pc.

btw. download lasted 71 minutes

Forgot to say that the drivers are wdm-drivers
I have an sblive 1024 value too.
No probs so far with these drivers???
WDM = Windows Driver Model (I think) - with initial support in Win98/SE (some devices) and more complete support in WinME/Win2K/WinXP.

The older drivers (Win95/98) are VXD based.

As I understand it, there is less 16 bit residue in WDM drivers.

One really big feature of WDM sound drivers, is that they can handle more than one task....

Play an MP3 and also hear a talking clock with VXD drivers? - forget it - but WDM can.

Yes, you can play two or more wav files, MP3's video with sound - the WDM drivers will give you the mix!

PS. If you had VXD drivers installed, you will seriously regret trying to upgrade to WDM drivers - the result usually ends in FORMAT, as the prior prescence of VXD drivers really screws things up - FUBAR!
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