Saving a CDRW drive?

I have a NEC NR-7700A CDRW running on WinXP Home edition.

I took a trip a few weeks ago and flew my PC with me in what I thought was ample packaging. Well, apparently the airline didnt treat my box so kind. Apparently my CDRW drive has been either knocked out of alignment, or somehow damaged internally as it will no longer write to disk without erroring out about 90% into a burn. I also have to insert a cd that is to be read multiple times before the CDRW will spin up and attempt to read it.

All connections have been rechecked and reseated.

Is there any way of re-aligning the lasers on this drive using some kind of software?

And just to be sure that it is my CDRW that is bad, is there some kind of software available that will allow me to properly test the drive before I spend the money on another one?

Any help is appreciated.
Many Thanks!

Pardon my ignorance, but once I run that program and re-align the lasers, is that aligment hard set? meaning will I need to run it before each cd I burn or try to view?

Update: The drive is trashed. Installed me a new Liteon 40x12x48 earlier. These things rawk!
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The calibration is related only with the power of laser beam, it´s not mechanical. CloneCD´s help informs that most of Drivers performs that calibration automaticaly everytime we record something. I thint that hardware calibration can only be performed by the factory.
Other causes can be dust or anything that may be broken or loose in the head mechanism.
