Samsung sw-216b


New member

I am having the following problem with my samsung sw-216b CD-R writer:
I have installed the thing, connected it up to an IDE connection on the motherboard and everything seems h/w wise to be ok. The bios is happy , win98 is happy and I can READ anything from a cd. However when it comes come to writing or formatting a CD, it does not want to know about the drive. I am using Nero 5 for writing and when I want to select the drive for writing, I can only see a virtual drive and not the Samsung drive.

The big question is: what have I done wrong!


hi & welcome ;)
this means nero ain't recognizing ur drive...wat version r u using?try using the latest version
get aspi4.60 ,using the search button 2 look for it here;)
Hi pvh, Welcome to our forum! :cool:

some things may cause your problem;
1. a faulty ASPI layer; use ForceASPI 1.7:
2. a wrong Nero serial, when you didn't install Nero from the CD which came bundled with you drive;

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also try the forum's search function:
Greetings from