SafeDisk v2.51 back-up problems

Hi all,

I've tried to make a back up from a dataCD containing safedisk v2.51 protection, but CloneCD (latest version) failed to make a working copy though no errors were displayed in the log file.

I've used CloneCD Profiler (latest version) for the safedisk profile and ClonyXXL (latest version) for determining the kind of protection.

Any ideas what could have gone wrong or suggestions to make it work are appreciated?


System specs : AMD Athlon XP 2400+ with 512 MB DDR on chaintech Apogee DeLuxe MOBO
Burner: LG8080B (this is probably the problemmaker for its an old one, but it should do ok according to CloneCD burner/reader check).
DVD :Hitatchi DVD-GD 2500
I've tried to make a back up from a dataCD containing safedisk v2.51 protection, but ...
i don't know any data CD which is protected by safedisc;
Are you sure? Which software CD is it?
probably it's an other protection (VOB Protected or Tages);

Greetings from


LIQUIDATOR, you are trying to copy a GAME, yes?! If so, what is it? ClonyXXL can be fooled you know ;)

Also, your burner LG8080B will not do "Correct EFM-Encoding" ie, weak sectors. See here... Correct EFM is critical in any recent SafeDisc copy. Otherwise it fails to start on the game.exe startup.

Although it may not work, try the "Emulate weak sectors" option...right click on that safedisk profile you created (or just create a new one) and select it .
It's not a game but a software CD with this safedisk 2.51 protection (that's what clonyXXL tells me, but now I'm not sure since you said it can be fooled).

It's Digital Studio from Mindscape/Extreme Media.

I've tried it with emulating the weak sectors as you adviced, but no success. Now I do get error messages (a whole load of them) as couldn't read sector 808 and up.

Perhaps this will help you with the protection determination for I've read that somewhere else in the forum. There are some strange files on the root of the disk like filenames as 00000001.TMP and 00000809.016 and 00000809.256 and secdrv and DS01INS.ID (which is also the name of the CD)

Hope this will get some things cleared.

It's not a game but a software CD with this safedisk 2.51 protection (that's what clonyXXL tells me, but now I'm not sure since you said it can be fooled).
maybe Clony lies;
try to copy by using CCD's standard "Protected Game CD" profile;
edit it in the write options to "Amplify Weak Sectors" instead of emulate;
select read and write speed to 4x;

after copying when you try to install/run Digital Studio, select "Hide Media" in the CCD Tray Symbol before inserting the CD;

clony aint one of the best protection detectors out there try using scout v2 it tends to be more reliable !

and like DURACELL said try using clones game profile or better still use ALCOHOL instead using the safedisk 2 setting :)


Those mysterous files are consistant with SafeDisc 2 copy protection. So Clony XXL seems to be right ;) Mind you, Clony is getting better, but it is well known to get the copy protection wrong.

Now...those errors are normal guring the CloneCD READ process. Your drive will slow down during the first 1-3 minutes to read them, but will speed up after it is done. Just ignore can actually select that if you want.

However, if you tried to burn this Clone image with AWS setting on, you tried HideCDR media as Duracell mentioned (only applicable if using your burner your main drive), it still fails to pass the program startup...then SafeDisc 2 is not copyable on your drive. As I said CloneCD homepage says your burner is not able to handle correct EFM encoding properly (zero sheep listing is not good) are just out of luck.

Best suggestion then would be a no CD check .exe (try Google) or purchase a burner that can do correct EFM (especially without needing AWS) a LiteOn. I have seen 40x LiteOns go for less that $40 with a rebate. ;)

But as Viper said Alcohol 120 is much better than CloneCD could try this too ;)
I've got alcohol retail in my PC, so I'm gonna give it a try with that one.

I know the burner is an oldy, and is due to replacement anyway, so when it failes to do the back-up, it will be replaced soon.

Thx for all the advice ppl. I will post if it succeeded or failed with the old burner.

dxkim said:
... you tried HideCDR media as Duracell mentioned (only applicable if using your burner your main drive), ...
you are right, but i have to add;
"Hide Media" is not only important for the burner as "replay" device also for DVD-ROM (yes, i mean Read Only);
the reason is DVD-ROM are also able to read the ATIP, so the copy protection can check it out;



Yes, you are right bud! Some DVD-Roms DO read ATIP, while others do not. And since he is using an Hitatchi DVD-GD 2500 DVD-Rom were right to bring it up. But don't ever feel bad about adding you 2 cents's all a team effort here ;)
Well, no luck with compiling a valid image. I've tried it with Alcohol, CloneCD and Blindwrites.
Seems it's time for a new burner :).
Any advice on that one? I'm not looking at the price but mainly quality for it will have to last a while.

Thanks again for all the advice ppl, when I have the new burner and am unable to do the trick I'll be back here again, for I'm a nOOb at discprotections.

Lite-on range ;)
Sony (most of there new range, Lite-on clones)
TDK (most are Lite-on clones)

Been there done that but it's up to you.


Agreed with Rasta, LiteOn 40x, 48x for great quality burns at an inexpensive price... or for more long term, the Yamaha F-1, which is probably the best burner on the market right now.

I would recommend Plextor, but it seems their latest two burners (40x & 48x) are VERY picky about media. Otherwise they are the most reliable long term burners out there.

Mind you these are IDE interface. If you want SCSI...the new Plex 40x SCSI is your best bet.
if money isn't a problem, i would buy the Yamaha F1;
can best handle game and music protections; extraction (reading) and writing quality is also ideal;

I know it's a little late reaction, but I followed Duracell's advice and got a Yamaha F1 burner at that time, and I can say that I'm very pleased with it....I have no problems with backing up my stuff and indeed audio quality is superb.

Thx everyone with all the advices and help.

GreetzZz, LiquidAtoR.