Safedisc 2.9 problems

Hi all
I am trying to copy the Sims Superstar. It has Safedisc 2.9 as protection. How to I configure Clonecd so I can make working copies?

I use a Plextor PX-40TS (1.11) as reader and
LG GCE-8400B as burner. It´s a 2-sheep burner...

Please help me does not work...
The pc says that the sims have made something wrong in a tmp-file.
Please restart your machine if the problem contiues....
I have restarted the machine...nothing helps.....
fogerty4evr said:
I have tried Alcoholer, but where do I activate Read Pregap area in Alcohol? My version is of Alcohol is 143.158
You can't find PreGap. It is secret function.
Note that that is illegal. Just use SaveDisk v2 profile and to write. And use 4x speed to write. This must work stuff....I do not mind....
It´s not possible to set a lower speed than 8 with my LG...
I am just getting a little bit frustrated over the fact that I cannot make
a working backup copy over a cd that I own(well my 12 years daughter owns it and are not so kind to cds).

I think Alcoholer is a great program and have used it a lot of times.
But....I have tried the latest Blindwrite and it does not work with thatone either.
fogerty4evr said: stuff....I do not mind....
It´s not possible to set a lower speed than 8 with my LG...
I am just getting a little bit frustrated over the fact that I cannot make
a working backup copy over a cd that I own(well my 12 years daughter owns it and are not so kind to cds).

I think Alcoholer is a great program and have used it a lot of times.
But....I have tried the latest Blindwrite and it does not work with thatone either.
Hmm are you sure ? Becuase in BlindWrite you don't need to select profile all is automatic. What version are you using ?And pls don't talk about cracks or I must close this thread
Well, I have now lots of working copies of The Sims Superstar....
I have installed The Sims in my wifes PC and it works real fine.
At least thoose cdrs I have made with help of Alcoholer.
Both BW and Alcohol copies works!

But why does it not run on my daghters PC? That PC has even a little better performance.Except for the´s an old 24x. Maybe that is the problem.

Thanks once again! :D
Well problem might by there. Well atleast you have many backups and don't need to worry for orinil one :D.

Best Regards

celtic_druid said:
If you were trying to run the copies in a CDRW then you would have encountered the ATIP check.
If running the copy from a writer, you'll need to enable alcohol's Ignore media type before playing.

Also, if your daughter system is an old one, it just may not have the grunt to run many recent games.
The problem was absolutly the cd-player. All copies I have made runs in my daughters PC after I changed the cd-player(I took my wifes cd-player)

And now doesn´t any copy work in my wifes PC!
In my PC does not any copy work iether. But I believe the problem is that I have Alcohol120% and Clonecd in my machine.

I have read somewhere that Safelock 2.9 blacklists PC:s with Alcohol and Clonecd
fogerty4evr said:
I have read somewhere that Safelock 2.9 blacklists PC:s with Alcohol and Clonecd
CloneCD's virtual drive is blacklisted by sd 2.9 as is hide cdr media. Blacklist of ccd virtual drive applies whether or not it's active. Try uninstalling ccd and then re-installing as a custom install without the virtual drive.

Latest version of alcohol is not blacklisted nor is it's virtual drive.

I have both alcohol and ccd (without the vd) on my system and have no difficulty running sd 2.9 back-ups from any of my roms (ignore media type necessary if using a writer).