rm format-how to convert to mpeg

Help. I have a real one player file that is a .rm extension. I want to be able to take this video file and convert it to an mpeg file so that I can create a cd-r that I can play on my dvd player. Any suggestion to which programs will do this? Thanks for the help!-Frenz
EO video converter/joiner can convert Real, Quicktime, and all Windows media video files into AVI or mpeg formats. There's a 30 day free trial - costs $35 to keep. Converts Real media files better than other programs I've tried. http://www.eo-video.com

There's also Boilsoft RM Converter - 10 day trial, $20.

I think there may also be a free converter, but I can't recall where to find it. A search on real or rm in this forum might turn it up.

Found it here It's called TinRa.
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