Ritek G05/ No 8x For Me


New member
I have a LG gsa4120b writer/WinXP Prof, that supports -r @ 8x.I bought a cake of Ritek g05's that are supposed to support 8x.However I cannot write faster than 4x on anything I've done so far.
The odd thing is that "DVD Id" say's 8x not found:
Disc Type : [DVD-R]
Manufacturer ID : [RITEKG05]
Manufacturer Name : [Ritek Co.]
Disc Application Code : [Unrestricted Use : Consumer Purpose]
Recording Speeds : [1x , 2x , 4x] (8x Cannot Be Detected)
Blank Disc Capacity : [2,298,496 Sectors = 4,489.3MB = 4.38GB (4.71GB)]
The Nero DVD id tool also notes top speed for the media @ 4x

Has anyone used these disks @ 8x?

Obviously,from all the DVD tools info,my disks are the g05 media.How come nothing,neither the writer itself or the tools,*see* 8x??I have the latest firmware,a104,for the writer.

1)r u using an official firmware or hacked firmware?
2)haven't got hold of 8x media yet,could b zat despite being an 8x media,the burner finds zat 8x is not suitable,could b an option
3)another option could b the g05 doesn't live to its expection
You see G05 as 8x or 4x media - +R media can also have version numbers, but these don't seem to exist for -R, so how a drive is supposed to determine the 8x from the 4x.

I could be wrong, but it seems that 8x speed is coded in the drive firmware, not in the media - On the Liteons, not that they LIKE -R, you'd use Codeguys firmware patcher, and quite likely substitute the G06 code, on the NEC, Herrie, but the LG's don't seem to figure as largely in the firmware hacker's sights.... RPC1, but no 8x4all


New member
LTR12101B said:
You see G05 as 8x or 4x media - +R media can also have version numbers, but these don't seem to exist for -R, so how a drive is supposed to determine the 8x from the 4x.

I could be wrong, but it seems that 8x speed is coded in the drive firmware, not in the media - On the Liteons, not that they LIKE -R, you'd use Codeguys firmware patcher, and quite likely substitute the G06 code, on the NEC, Herrie, but the LG's don't seem to figure as largely in the firmware hacker's sights.... RPC1, but no 8x4all
It seem's to me it would involve both re what speed & how it would be "coded".I mean the writer would have to have 8x support in its firmware & the disk would have to have *something* done to it re its write accept speed.
The crazy thing,to me anyway,is the fact that none of the drive/disk utility's note that my G05 disks are 8x.
It would be one thing if the utility info said they were indeed 8x & my writer would not or could not write @ 8x.
But it's almost like the wrong disks were put in the cake,4x instead of 8x.But the fact that the media id come's back as Ritek g05 rules that out.
That's why I asked if anyone had used these g05 disks successfully @ 8x.
The writer itself has worked without any problems at all when it has written any disks,be it -/+/ram/dl.The only problem has been this 8x thing.The A104 firmware I flashed came from LG's site & installed without any problem.
I'm not into hacking so it's not like I've done different thing's to the drive trying this or that.

One thing I will add is that the LG GSA 4120b writer will NOT accept Memorex media.Here's the media,along with their "media code", I've used without problem as far as playing/accessing after a burn :

Fujifilm DVD RAM Matsu****a Electric Industrial CO.,LTD. M01J000.v11 x3
Ritek DVD -R RitekG05 (write @ 4x on a supposed 8x)
Sony DVD-R TYG01 (4x)
Maxell DVD-R MXL RG02 (4x) (is this a ritek?)
Verbatim DVD+RW MKM A02 (4x)
Verbatim DVD+R MCC 003 (8x)

I also burned a Dual Layer disk with no problems encountered during or after burn.I can't find the disk right now but I'm pretty sure it's Verbatim media.

The LG manual has a list of recommended media that should be used and it has not been wrong yet.Memorex media is not listed so that make's sense as it was not even recognized when I tried to burn it.I think it had a media code of "CMC".

The reason for using mostly -R media is because the two stand-alone DVD players used to play the disks accept only the ROM & -R formats.

So far I think,over all,the LG 4120b was a good buy @ $96.00usd shipped.I can live with getting 4x on a questionable 8x media for now.
