Ripping is only giving me a small piece of dvd???


New member
I am using DVD-TO AVI V1.9 by Fleximage, to extract the
DVD to XviD avi file. It takes a little under 2 hours, but
everytime I end up with only about 40 min. of the orig.
DVD movie. Can anyone help?

Thank you.
Hi fej, Welcome to our forum! :cool:

sorry, i don't have knowledge in DVD backuping; please stay a little bit patient, the experts will surely find and reply your question;

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Does the DVDtoAVI program rip and encode on-the-fly? Perhaps you may need to play the movie for a few seconds so the entire structure of it is recognized.

On the fly ripping/encoding can be detrimental for a DVD drive. It can place a lot of stress on DVD hardware. Try ripping the whole DVD to hard disk, then encode that to AVI. DVD Decryter and SmartRipper are some of the programs that come highly recommended for backing up/ripping DVDs.

Programs like VirtualDub, or any of the popular mods, like VirtualDubMod, for example, can be used to encode from the DVD/VOBs etc to AVI files.