Rip Through DVDDecrypter Or DVDStripper

This might have been answered before in Doom's forums but is it
better to rip a DVD to an ISO file first through DVDDecrypter or
use DVDStripper? I know that DVDStripper uses DVDDecrypter to rip
the DVD.

I always rip to an ISO file to my HD using DVDDecrypter first
then mount the ISO file using Virtual Daemon.

Can I also do this then use DVDStripper to strip out the stuff I don't need?

The reason I ask is because I have a couple of ISO files on my HD already
that have been ripped by DVDDecrypter and I just want to use DVDStripper
to work on the ISO file

Thanks for the help


New member
To work on the ISO's on your HD, you'll have to mount them via Daemon Tools and run DVD Stripper, select your Virtual Drive as the source, and then click "Rip Using DVDDecrypter." Yes, I know that you've already ripped it via DVDDecrypter, but that's how to do it until the source can be an ISO or files on your hard drive.



New member

When I try to decrypt the ISO file using a virtual drive I get the error, "The disk in drive F: is no Video DVD! This can't be processed!"

Basically, I have a lot of DVD's I haven't yet burned that I have dedrypted onto my harddrive, and I can't use DVDStripper to edit them. So, I was going to make those into ISOS, then re-decrypt everything to use DVDstripper.
try loading DVDDecrypter as normal and ripping the ISO as if it was a DVD

you will probably get the same error