RIAA. Who is putting on the pressure??

Not suse about other countries but over here in the States there are a couple of TV ads. One is about d/loading audio using Kazaa, Bearshare...etc. Various music artists tell us all not to be naughty boys and girls by stealing songs but to buy the songs. How we are all crippling the music industry by our illegal mp3 sharing ways.
The second is similar but related to d/loading movie files, with various movie stars giving a similar message about how they will all be unemployed, along with the directors, cameramen, sound people, movie extras, etc if we partake in the piracy of movies.

All which is fair enough, as that is what the RIAA is there for.

A couple of people have been on the local news, fined for d/loading songs. They had broadband, which when it comes to movie files is the only realistic method of getting such HUGE files.

It really makes me wonder who has been putting so much pressure on the RIAA, as it is a damn side easier to download software than it is an entire 'ripped' DVD movie. But as of yet, I've not seen any ads telling us not to d/load softwarez! Illegal software is well within the reach of anyone with a dial up connection but full blown movie d/loads, that's for broadband users only. I see the RIAA have their priorities in order as per normal.

....DreeM :)
Not suse about other countries but over here in the States there are a couple of TV ads. One is about d/loading audio using Kazaa, Bearshare...etc. Various music artists tell us all not to be naughty boys and girls by stealing songs but to buy the songs. How we are all crippling the music industry by our illegal mp3 sharing ways.
i saw something "similar" in german TV by german music artists mostly in interviews; the said "F*ck up the music industry, they are only interested in quick money. They do not really further the width music scene. CD costs are abstruse and non realistic ... We understand you when you try get our song for free. F*ck the sytem!"

Greetings from
Well..they are a few of them in Canada too :p ..But..there is a one special one.....Its a short clip..showing one guy in a normal house...all normal things around him....like a kid bicycle....stereo system,car outside,satellite disch..kitchen..bla bla bla......And all over the screen is kind of watermarked..he`s a thief.......Couse he`s stealing satellite sygnals..But they didnt say..that..RCA(Directtv)broadcasting the sygnals over his yard without his permission..So he`s just taking`em..Its his yard-at the end :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
hmmmmmmmm good luck to them with gettin movies worth watching from kazza the industry REGULAR spikes the network with blank 600mb files /miss-named royalty free crud and rubbish like that its a known fact, and has been like that for quite some time now to put people off downloading same with MP3 files they are trying to PUSH a law that allows them to make trojan'ed MP3 files that track your downloads for them or even self destruct trojan MP3s that wipe your drive :eek: :eek:

.....but they will have a hard time getting that to pass as a legit thang as this makes them as bad as the rest lmao !!! :)
When are they gonna understand the more they whine & moan about it, the more folk will do it just 2 say **** U 2 the RIAA

In my book if a few movie stars stop gettin the millions of dollars, isn't that a good thing, i mean is any actor/actress worth 20 million a movie

I had 2 laugh with all the fuss over the guy that got caught with that work print of the hulk, after watchin it i saw how crap the film was & it saved me wastin money goin 2 see it, so the guy done me a favour lol, just maybe the chargin him cause they know that most folk would come 2 the same conclusion as me:)

Besides the RIAA is gonna be even more hated after it starts suin the public, they are already loathed, but hey they got so many senators in their pocket so they must be right lol:p

So that means if you tape a movie off the telly then you can be done for that!!, what a load of BULL.
An MP3 is merely a facsimile of the original, unless your totally tone deaf then anyone that likes the music enough will go out and buy it.
Rather than prosecute these people, they should be promoting the use of such 'Advertising'.

Besides I won't lose any sleep over actors/actresses, musicians becoming poor especially when you hear thing like 'Arnie' getting $30,000,000 for T3 and Elton John just bought an apartment for £6,500,000.

When Cd's first hit the streets, the excuse for them being overpriced was due to not many owning CD players.
What's there excuse now? in-spite of all the piracy whether it be music, software or movies they're all still making huge profits.

Isn't it about time they charged more realistic prices? the Artists usually get the least of the deal with the retailers and studios making the most.
I have downloaded MP3s in the past, but don't bother now unless it's for an album that is hard to find due to it's age but will alway BUY music that I like.
@tommy ....technically if you listen to your CD WALKMAN on the bus too loud and someone else can hear it then TECHNICALLY you are RE-BROADCASTING without a licence :confused:

and yes if you tape something from the TV and watch it round your mates that too is RE-BROADCASTING and breaking the LAW apparently !?

same with recording stuff off the RADIO thats illegal too bud ?! :confused:

its a WHACKED out world we live in bud and they are trying to make the LAWS even tighter !!

when it comes to what people are paid for films thats just down on paper they are really not worth that much money when you work out the nitty gritty details they get hardly anything for their work their producers /managers etc leech the rest off them :(

we are in a no win situation they are trying to PUSH these TIGHTER digital copywrite laws whats considerd as REASONABLE FAIR USE will soon be changed to NO NOT AT ALL :(

if the FAT CATS of the RIAA etc get their way :( no doubt they will get FAT WALLETS AND PURSES from all this for doing some nice work as they call it !!!..... but i bet ya anymoney they all TAPE off the TV to watch at joe's house next week or the BIG GAME with loads of friends down which is classed as A PUBLIC PERFORMANCE which is also breaking laws !! :confused:

I think they wanna rethink other stuff like getting rid of crappy artists and fly by night actors/actresses that churn out the same mindless crudd day in day out and stop hassling us with these nutty rules !!!

how will they stop us !? make us wear BLACKED OUT GOGGLES and EAR MUFFS !? whatever next !?

lmao !!
Well i have read that the RIAA is already sendin out letters sayin that U will be fined & they have lists of the biggest file sharer's

Maybe their idea is 2 fill up the prison's with all these folk, personally i think they are wastin their time & will actually destroy their reputation even more, which would be a good thing in my book:)

The post's in this thread show just how out of touch the record & movie companies are, instead of demonizin these users, they should be workin out ways 2 exploit it

Mind U they don't play fair as they deliberatly lowered their sales & cut back on new releases, then a feww months later they were moanin that P2P was killin their industry, strange how they ain't been done 4 contempt of court as they did lie:)

I did read in the new computeractive that most file sharer's actuallyuse it 2 test run new albums or tracks, but they still go out & buy the album, kinda makes me look at the RIAA & shake my head in disgust:)
