RIAA have they gone too far !??!?

HAVE THE RIAA gone too far !?

  • YES they always have done always will do !?

    Votes: 20 90.9%
  • NO they are well within their rights to uphold the laws !?

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • UNDECIDED !? i really don't know what to make of this !?

    Votes: 1 4.5%

  • Total voters
I think it is sad :(

Lets face it the biggest market 4 them companies is the teen market, & that is who they seem 2 be targetin:confused:

I didnt read that article...But RIAA is always having rights to do whatever they want.....People stealin stuff from companies left and right...so they are just doing whatever they can to protect companies which hired(payed`em)to protect their rights......RIAA cant just steal back the stuff...like what people do...downloading stuff from whatever.....so sometimes they have to go with a dirty tricks..which is understandble..... :rolleyes:
VIPER_1069 said:
@zver read the article thats the point of this thread really bud :)

it tells you how crazy they really are :)
Phil Leigh, a media analyst with Inside Digital Media in Tampa, Fla., said the lawsuits are aimed at simply frightening Internet users away from file-swapping sites.

"It is much like having the Internal Revenue Service go after a couple of high-profile people," he said. "It gets people to conform."

However, it is not clear if the lawsuits will have their desired impact and increase compact disc sales, Mr. Leigh said.

"It isn't clear that these will move the needle on CD sales," he said. "And if it doesn't, then what was the point?" :rolleyes:

© Copyright 2003 National Post
Yes!!! But that's the "BBA" big business America. Didn't you hear about that congressman :eek: (don't remember the a-holes name) that would like to see something done to damage peoples pc's if they download illegal files. You got like that!!! NOT. :mad: I guess the RIAA bribed him with allot money o wait I forgot it's not a bribe its a political campaign donation. Thats it.... :rolleyes::rolleyes: So I say next time they find him or one of he's friends stealing from the people that live in the BBA I say then it's time for public executions!!! :D :D :cool: :cool: Fair is fair.


Unfortunately, all these lawsuits are under the auspices of the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998).... the stupidest thing President Bill Clinton ever did during his tenure (yeah even more than Monica :D ). But then again all that campaign money from the Recording and Movie Industries didn't hurt... now did it?! :rolleyes: It's the sad state of politics in the US now... you pony up enough dough and you get what you want. :rolleyes:

Oh well, at least we are not the only ones.... Germany passed a very draconian copyright law recently. And the ECC is considering similar legislations.

What I love the best is the new RIAA amnesty. Sign a petition and promise not to "share" again and the RIAA will leave you alone. But of course, they now have your private information. And who's to say, that somewhere down the road they don't use that information against you... after all you just admitted to being a thief! :eek:
Read the article.....Like..i do think its insane.....But people will get scared...like90%...which is the goal for that kind of action....And some people will still doit....so we will have music free along the way.......So this change nothing......Actially...People will start use those encrypted proggys like waste more..... :) And from those 90%........almost all were downloading...so we wont lose much........And we gonna get rid of those 128 mp3s...... :) :) :) ..Ok jokes aside........But......for testing purposes i gave the link to my friend......Married woman,born1970,2 kids........Verdict.......Her words were......If they are going after kids..what can happen to us?????So some people will stop...and thats a fact.. :(
Beware the evil 12 year old downloaders, we do not care if you or your parents bought the cd or tape and that it got ruined. That is your fault! You who record songs off of the radio or digital satalite are next!!! evil.... thievs.... scoundrels... And let's not stop there, everyone knows that libraries are a huge source of lost revenues for musicians, authors and film makers alike. Every time an item is checked out that is an item that wasn't sold!!! And we all know that the only reason people check things out is so that they can copy them illegaly. All of you 'up against the wall'.

oh, sorry, got cought up and carried away...

by the way, I'm not licensed to use that quote. I'm in deep trouble now.
libraries are a huge source of lost revenues

A bit of topic but......Sometimes if you got time......check the local library and get some cds from there(*audio cds)......I remember when i was a bit younger,libraries had only books.....And since last two years....i have been a regular there....Lots of good music,probably riaa will hit on that too :rolleyes:
I guess all the years I've been in business, I always thought "You don't sue your customers". What the hell did I know!!!! I had it wrong this whole time.