RIAA Again!!

These guys are pathetic!Now they are after ISP's to turn over file sharers!Verizon is fighting back!Hope they win,or the internet will be changed forever!

Verizon is my ISP. I love them. Their News Servers are full of goodies and all files are retained for at least a week. No download limitations either. No Bots whatsoever. Unlike RoadRunner which has went to hell in a hand basket.

They do block port 21 which makes running an FTP a little tricky, but easy to overcome.

I have over 200GB in my online share. Hope it isn't my IP they are talking about. I don't use Kazaa though either.
Netcop (cop = short for police) - appointed, employed or self-appointed "enforcement officials".

If you firewall out the KNOWN IP's of those hunting for infringements, then you only have the **UNKNOWN** to worry about.

Searching a fileshare in this way is surely a search without a warrant, or even entrapment.
First they got to put their site up---couse its still down--AGAIN!!They got fbi involved this time!!
LOL!!yeah...guess they can't use their site!:D

One thing they (conveniently)forget to mention in their press releases is that sales are going down because of their own tactics.

People are fed up!!the word "boycott" mean anything to them?:confused: