Resume with iMesh

How can I resume a download from iMesh? When I startup again the broken file is not displayed in iMesh, but the dat-file is still on my system.
Is running Ad-Aware the only way to stop the spyware?
Be careful with the use of iMesh. I have installed and tried a couple of times. The longer the time you used with iMesh, more and more spywares are installed in your OS. Some of these spywares are very dangerous. It could cripple your internet broswer operation and your favourite settings.

To carry-on from previous downloading, you just need to select the download tab and click on the resume button if you did a pause previous or else the iMesh will download the program automatically.
Plus, use Google and find SpywareFree Imes (CleanImesh).

I would suply you the link but Clean version is being hated so it often changes locations.

Clean Imesh was brought to by Dr. Damn :D