Resize SVCD from RIP DVD

Resizing SVCD from RIP DVD

Hi guys!

Can anyone of you spare a few few keystrokes to discuss the ff:





I went to the tutorial section and also at Doom9 and I'm still struggling trying to understand what these command line mean.
All I 've learn from the tutorial sections is that (480,480) will produce a full screen when played on a standalone DVD player.

Thank you in advance to whoever can spoon feed me for further explanation.
Okay, I'll attempt to answer you. All these numbers are PIXELS so I wont keep saying that after each number


Crop(90,60,540,360) this first line instructs to chop 90 off the left and right sides of the DVD pic, which was/is originally 720 wide ie 720 -90 -90 = 540 The 540 in the line is the final width. The 60 is to chop off 60 from top & 60 from the bottom of the picture of original height of 480 ie 480 -60 -60 = 360. So the 360 in the line is now the height.

SimpleResize(480,480) , this line is in error in your example and should read SimpleResize(480,360). This line tells it to resize the pic after the CROPping from 720x480 to 540x360 to a 480x360 size. The width is now correct for a SVCD.

The last line AddBorders(0,60,0,60), adds 60 of black bar top and bottom to make the height up to SVCD standard height of 480 (360+60+60=480)

In the above example, whats its doing is expanding the original picture by cutting off some left & right side of the picture and also replacing some of the top and bottom of the picture with black bars instead. The top and bottom of the picture if 2.3:1 acpect ratio has about 60 black pixels top and bottom, so what this is saying, chop them off so not included in the encoding, then add them back on after the resize.

The second exaple from my Tutorial does exactly the same thing, exect I dont chop the black bars off then put them back on after.

Hope that has helped and not confused.

Resize SVCD

Thank you so much for your reply ChickenMan. I know that these are all redunduncy for you. Now I fully understand what these numbers do during the encoding. You're really an amazing guy having possess all this technical knowledge and at the same time to share it with other people.

I have alot of DVD collection in my possession and since you have given me the knowhow tools, I'm going to try it out just for the fun of it. I know it's going to take a while for the conversion so I'll do it before I go to bed.

I just hope everything will come out okey on my first one.
Wish me luck.

Thanks alot again!!!