Req: screen recorder app'

Thanks for reading...

What I'm after is a program (point me in the right direction), hopefully freeware, that will allow me to record what is going on on my computer. I've got snapshot type applications, for grabbing a screen shot but I need to record like a VCR.

What I need it for is to make a tutorial on how to use a specific piece of I'll start the software, then start the screen recorder and it can 'save' where my mouse cursor goes, what I click on and basically everything that happens on my screen.

Hope you're able to understand what I'm going on about.

Any feed back would be great.

....DreeM :)
thanks RW

Thanks RW.....

had that bit of s/ware on CD for a while now. I use HyperSnapDX4 for screen capture so I never really looked into it that much but SnagIT is perfect for my needs :)......

....and of course, as we are now 'warez' free, I purchased fair and sort of square my copy of SnagIT, not a keygen in sight ;)

cheers again RW.

....DreeM :)