renaming files....

how come i cant rename what the file for example film and its a mpg file or jpg file that is named film.mpg or film.jpg but sometimes some program converts it to film.MPG or film.JPG how do i rename the file so it can b lower case or upper case??..

Edited reason:- we are WAREZ FREE here please try to remember the forum rulings i have edited your post!!! >>>VIPER_1069 <<<< :)

please read the forum rules here thanks >
Make sure no program is accessing the file, like any p2p program. (be careful, this forum is warez free!)

I know that it is only new version of emule that let you "manipulate" files while you are uploading it.
Kill the program using the file..

look for a renamer. I don't know of one but I know it does exist :)
this is due to another program being associated with this file/files you need to re- associate them with the correct program using the settings in whatever program you wish to associate it with :)

just remember the forum RULES when posting to avoid a warning and a locked thread :)